Finding Erika (3)

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"Uh... Arie?" Aurene tried to lift the heavy tension.


"Pardon?" the female asked again with a confused expression.

"Call me Hon," the white haired male demanded. "Like how you did with everyone else."

Aurene was bewildered by the request, but even more at the last sentence.

'What did he meant by everyone else?'

The brunette thought deeply before something crossed her mind, although it's still a mere hypothesis. "You meant, I can call you by your first name?"

Hon wordlessly nodded as the previous tension finally disappeared, and Aurene smiled at the male.

"That really surprised me, I thought you hated me or something," Aurene admitted, letting out a relieved sigh.

Hon slightly tilted his head, confused as to why the girl was thinking something along the line. He probably doesn't notice how intimidating he can get with that emotionless face.

"I guess you can also call me by my first name. I feel bad if I'm the only one doing it."


"Uh yeah?" the brunette immediately looked up the taller male. 'That was fast...'

"Be careful," Hon whispered, and Aurene instinctively put her guards up.

"Hey you kids!" a short man called out from behind them. "What are you two doing here? This place is off-limits for kids like you!" the man scolded.

Aurene and Hon kept quiet and observed the man, as how Gustang advised them before splitting up.

The man looked around his forties and only held a harmless flashlight. His uniform kind of indicates that he's some kind of guards. But something about him seems fishy...

"Hurry up and go home! Geez, youngsters these days-"

As the man continued to nag and ramble on, Aurene got closer to Hon, nudging his side.

"He doesn't seem to belong to the organization, isn't he?"

"Still, he's suspicious. Since we went through the middle path, shouldn't he saw Gustang or the other two first if he's patrolling?" Hon deducted, readying his wooden sword.

"Hey, are you kids even listening?! Kyah-?!"

Aurene tried hard to ignore the high-pitched, girlish scream the short man let out when Hon pointed the sword to his face.

"Spit it out. Are you with the organization?"

"Hon, don't you think that's too straightforward?" Aurene sweat-dropped but what's done is done. They just have to follow this through even if they were mistaken.

"I was going to do it nicely, but you kids really left me no choice," the man mumbled.

And Aurene was taken aback when she and Hon was suddenly surrounded by men at all sides as the short man scampered away, not before giving Hon a middle finger.

"That shi-"

"Hon, watch out!" Aurene warned as the male barely dodged an incoming swing of bat. "Let's focus on these men first before going after him! He looks like he knows something!" the female backed away from the men surrounding her at one spot.

Changing Life -A Tower of God FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang