Bloodmadder's Insecurity

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With a new start of the week, Aurene was officially recognized as the S Class vice-president. It was nothing grand for Aurene, but seeing the almost sniffling V congratulating her and the sighing Mr. Shin made her think twice about it.

"I see... good luck then Miss Grace."

Aurene still could remember the pitiful eyes the homeroom teacher gave her that morning. It's quite unnerving to receive that kind of look from such a built man, but Aurene could only held in her comment lest she might taste some wrestling moves that her dear classmates had experienced.

With the whole Erika fiasco over, it was time to focus on the more important things such as her studies... and class managing. Right, her class. The S Class.




With a mess of ice cream fallen on the floor, the once clean class was turned upside down by the brawl between Jahad and Yurin.

Right... what did she expect?

"Ah, Aurene!" Han, who was the nearest when she stepped inside the once-sparkling classroom, explained the situation quickly. Seeing that they couldn't hold back Jahad and Yurin from getting violent, it must be...

"Jahad accidentally bumped into Yurin and she dropped her ice cream, and now Yurin's demanding that Jahad goes back to the cafeteria to buy a new one!" Han almost cried as he clutched on the brunette's shoulders.


Aurene tried not to let her temper get the best of her as she massaged her forehead. Should she applaud Han for managing to say all those in one breath?

"If that's the reason then, just let them fight," Eduan chided from behind her, looking ever so interested in the occurring fight. "I wanna see who wins this time," he grinned, leaving to observe the brawl.

Aurene decided to ignore the bluehead as she grasped Han's hand to assure the panicking male. "Alright, thank you for telling me," Han nodded his head vigorously. "First of all, where's V?" First, gotta search for the class president!

"V was called by Mr. Shin just now, as always," Gustang who looks as relaxed as ever was nonchalantly sitting in his seat, reading a book as if there wasn't a goddamned fight behind him.

"Why didn't you stop them, Gustang?" Aurene asked exasperatedly, feeling a little betrayed. Amongst all people in the class, Gustang with the sanest mind could've stopped anything from happening from the start. His demeanor from the pool-cleaning weekend convinced Aurene so.

The male only scoffed. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to my glasses for a second time," as he said this, a glare was directed to the cheering Eduan and rampaging Jahad in the background.

Right, that makes sense.

"Aurene," at the call, Aurene turned her attention to Hon who looked somehow proud, pointing at himself. "I tried to stop Jahad. I tried my best."

"Hon...!" Aurene was about to give Hon a grateful thanks until Blossom added with a lazy chuckle.

"Well, he only placed his hand on Jahad's shoulder for one second then let him go afterwards."

Aurene gave the white male the most betrayed look as Hon turned his gaze to the side, looking at least a bit guilty.

"Haa..." Right, she was the one who signed up for this anyway. It's all on her. And just some time ago, she too was guided by some violent spirits and even fought barehanded with Jahad.

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