Finding Erika (1)

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"So, why did I end up as the babysitter of these three idiots?" Gustang grumbled, a dark look on his face as he strode down the street beside Aurene.

The female guiltily looked at Gustang, profusely apologizing. "Really, I could've gone by myself. There was no need to involve all of you..."

Eduan who was a little behind the two snorted. "Nonsense. Did you think the girls will leave you alone?"

Aurene sweat-dropped. She can't exactly deny that truth. "But these arrangement..." the female glanced at the other two other companion ahead of them.

Jahad and Arie Hon.

Whilst she and Jahad hasn't had the best interaction (the worst actually), Aurene had never talked to Hon even once, so it was hard to evaluate what kind of person the white-haired male was. All she knew that he is very skilled in using swords, evident with the wooden sword he brought with.

'I remember Eduan commenting about Arie being so white before, but when was it?'

"So, this is the apartment?" Eduan questioned, looking up the... eerie-looking building. "Heck, it looks like a haunted apartment. I won't be surprised if something jumped on us after this."

Gustang eyes trained on his phone, observing a certain image Tperie had sent him. "Yes, this is the one."

Jahad, who had been silent all the time peeked at Gustang's phone, his eyebrow raised. "What now? Break in?"

Aurene flexed at the suggestion. "No! We're not here to do crimes. I just wanted to meet the one Erika hired, that's all," the brunette reasoned.


Aurene sighed, reminiscing back when Eduan proposed that everyone should take part in this... plan? She doesn't even know what to call it anymore.


"These kind of people usually receive information indirectly via interaction with their client, so there's a high chance the hacker know where Erika might be heading," Tperie reasoned. "The fastest way is through the hacker, I bet."

"Alright, so I just have to find the hacker, yes?" Aurene declared.

The others looked at Aurene as if she was out of her mind.

"What do you mean 'I'? It's 'we'!" Yurin exclaimed. Even Eduan nodded along with the correction.

"Aurene, let's calm down and think rationally now, okay?" Hana darkly smiled at the brunette who shrunk at the penetrating gaze.


'A mad Hana is scary...'

"So how are we gonna search for the hacker?" Hendo Lok interrupted. "Isn't it kind of a pain to randomly search anywhere?"

"Who said we're going to do that?" Gustang pushed back his glasses.

As fast as lightning, Tperie typed something on his beloved laptop, before showing it to the rest of the class. "I dug out his personal information before, in case we needed it."


Tperie ignored the comment, continuing his explanation. "He lives alone, so it won't be hard to corner him using numbers. The question is, which of us will do this-"

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