A New Place To Belong

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Aurene took a deep breath as she stood in front of the door leading into the principal's office, her thumping heartbeats barely calming her down.

"He's probably just want to have a talk with you," Eduan nonchalantly stated.

"Oh, shut it," Aurene snapped at the man beside her. "There's no way he just want to talk after what I did."

"Just chill. He's quite of the nice person, you know."

"Eduan, I don't know what are your motives following me here, but your words aren't exactly making me any better."

"I know. You're welcome."

Aurene ignored the teasing smirk Eduan gave her, and tried to gather up all her courage.

'Just knock, get in and leave. That's all I have to do.'

The girl slowly brought up her fist to knock on the door, but Eduan beat her to it by kicking the door open.



That's it. She's totally dead. There's no way the principal's going to just have a talk-

"Eduan? What are you doing here?"

Aurene uncovered her face, searching for the owner of the voice who seemed to know the male beside her. 

A black haired male, with equally black eyes flickered to her direction, his expression telling Aurene that he do recognizes her.

"I was waiting for you, Miss Grace. And it seems that you saved me the trouble of setting up a meeting with Mr. Khun," a middle-aged man greeted both of them. He certainly looks old, but Aurene could feel a hint of kindness in his voice. "Please, take a seat."

Eduan narrowed his eyes, not bothering to take on the offer to sit down on the comfy-looking sofa. "Just state your business with her, old man. And what are you doing here, V?"

"Eduan, don't be rude. Just take a seat, will you?" 'V' sternly voiced out. "And of course, you too, Miss Grace," the male smiled warmly at Aurene, almost stealing her breath away.

Aurene warily looked between the man called V and Eduan, before pulling Eduan to sit on the sofa. "Let's just sit first and hear them out," the girl whispered to the blue haired male.


After settling down on the sofa, Aurene cautiously took a glance at the principal and the unknown male, trying to find any clue on why she was called to that very place.

"I've heard that you've been through a lot for today, Miss Grace," the principal started, eyes slightly narrowing at the gym clothes Aurene was wearing. "I'm ashamed to say that the students were indeed taking it too far. Please, let me formally apologize for that," the older man slightly bowed his head.

"W-wait, please, rise your head, sir. I wasn't really affected by it, so please don't mind me," Aurene quickly mumbled out, taken aback by the sudden sentiment.

'But it would be a lie to say I wasn't affected by it, though.'

"To think that such thing happened to you in just a few days after transferring here, I worry for your well-being, Miss Grace."

Honestly, Aurene was touched by the man's words, but she feels guilty making an older man like that apologizes for others mistakes and wrongdoings. The girl stayed silent as the man kept on going about kids these days or something.

"So, this man here has suggested a very interesting solution for our problem," Mr. Principal gestured to V, who kindly smiled at Aurene when she glanced up to him. "And that is, transferring you to the Special Class, Miss Grace!"

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