Pool Cleaning

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Patience, Aurene... Patience... Remember, to lose patience is to lose the battle...

A female brunette shielded her sight from the burning sunlight, shoulders slumped as she gripped the brush a tad bit too tight for the poor brush to handle. As in, a pool brush pole.

"You evil being! How dare you get on my nerves! I shall destroy you so you can't display your hideous face here ever again!" a certain golden-haired male exclaimed, pointing his water gun towards the smirking blue haired male.

"Ohoho? Let's see if you can do it. And my face is definitely not hideous, right, Aurene?" Despite asking such a question, the flirtatious man didn't wait for any answer as he 'dueled' with Jahad with his own water gun.

On that hot Saturday, when everyone was supposed to have a restful weekend, the whole S Class had to clean the pool thoroughly for their shenanigans last time plus the accumulated deeds a certain blue haired male did.

Oh God...

For the nth times, Aurene crouched and buried her face in her hands, once again wondering where did the peace she sought had gone to.

Aurene didn't bother to hide her vengeful look, sighing exasperatedly. "Gustang, why of all people, of ALL the people in the S Class, they'd have to be the one to be assigned here?!" she screamed, clearly frustrated by the two goons running around in front of her in their respective colour swimming trunks; Jahad in red with yellow polka dots, and Eduan with his navy blue one. Aurene wondered if anyone had commented on Jahad's horrendous choice of fashion, but that's not the main problem now. "At least separate those two!!"

Honestly, it takes all her patience to not just snap and break the pole in half. A hesitant-looking Hon could only try to empathize with the female by standing beside her, yet his lack of facial reaction made it looked like he didn't give a care about anything in the world.

"Funny, I was thinking of the same thing," having the same irritated expression, Gustang pushed back his glasses as water kept gushing out from the pipe he was holding. He thought of splashing water into the face of the two idiots running around in front of them, but that would only further provoke their rambunctious shenanigans. "As much as I hate it, Mr. Shin was the one who split our groups so there's no way I can openly protest. No, I'd rather not taste his German Supplex because of that."

You experienced it...?!

"But that Mr. Shin-" Aurene grimaced, pointing while animatedly crying towards their homeroom teacher who relaxed under the shade with a sunglasses on. "-IS CURRENTLY JUST CHILLING OVER THERE WITH A GLASS OF ORANGE JUICE! And why isn't Tperie helping us?!"

"I don't belong in the labor team," he nonchalantly replied from afar ignoring the exclamation of 'And we do?!!' from the two irritated brunettes, continuing to type whatever away on his precious laptop. Heck, he even has the same orange juice while sitting beside Mr. Shin. "And I'm in charge of keeping our precious and irreplaceable memories in this beautiful camera-"

"That's just an excuse to skip out from the cleaning!!" Aurene groaned, already giving up on retorting anything back at this point.

"Man, you already know me this well, Miss Grace."

"And you, Blossom? Any excuse to say with that big pillow you're holding while lying beside Tperie?" Gustang gritted, a dark smile adorning his face.

"I don't live well under the sun, remember?" the petite Blossom lazily yawned. "Goodluck on the cleaning~"

The two brunettes heard something cracked and that might have been their patience.


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