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Gustang expected Aurene Grace to look more defeated after the new post about her false fling with Eduan, but no. The female looked even more deadly than when she and Jahad had a glaring contest the day before.

"Are you sure about this? You don't have to-"

"Don't stop me, Hana. I'm going to thrash all of the students here if I have to."

And with that, off a furious Aurene towards the cafeteria not to have lunch, but apparently to force the culprit out by force. How the girl was going to do it, Gustang didn't want to know.

"I'm surprised to see she's as wild as Yurin, with how pure she looks like," Lo Po Bia nonchalantly commented, earning a protest from Yurin. Also a warning glance from Hana and Blossom.

"Should we join in too?" Eduan asked, oddly looking excited.

"You sure looks relaxed for someone who just got accused," Han worriedly commented.

"You think so?"

Gustang sighed, having enough with the whole mess. "She didn't have to do that personally."

"What do you mean?"

"We already found the culprit, after all."


Aurene braced for the penetrating stares and glares or maybe even insults to be thrown at her once she had arrived at the cafeteria. But what she witnessed were the students surrounding a certain spot, or more to a person, bringing back a certain memory for her. 

A painful one, at that.

So no, she's not going to let another victim to feel the pain she had been through. Screw with all these rich brats.

Pushing her way through the crowd, Aurene was dumbfounded seeing a familiar figure kneeling on the ground, crumpled papers scattered around her. 

Well scratch that, she's absolutely furious.

"What do you think you're doing to Erika?!" Aurene roughly pushed away the girls swarming at the cream haired female, immediately checking on Erika for any injuries. "Are you okay, Erika?"

While Aurene was fretting over her friend, another figure stepped up after seeing Aurene, a smirk playing on his not-so-handsome face.

"Oh look, the slut came to save you. Looks like you guys are really close, huh?"

Aurene immediately tensed up after hearing the flirty tone, turning to glare at the smirking male. "Hwang Vino," she hissed, with every venom dripping in the two words.

The brunette would've gone and beat the jerk immediately, if it weren't for the familiar looking photo crumpled beside Erika. Reaching out to the piece of paper, Aurene connected the dots as she stared at the fake image of her and Eduan, most likely the same one posted on the school web.


The said female turned to her friend, who thankfully wasn't hurt.

"Those were plastered on the board there... but I knew it was all a lie..."

"Erika, it's okay. I don't care about that," Aurene assured. She felt really guilty for dragging her friend into her problems. It would've been better if Erika just stayed silent instead of turning all students against her.

Right now, Aurene's sole enemy is definitely the dude who manipulated the school web.

Turning away from Erika with a cold glare, Aurene faced the students who were openly insulting her by now.

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