𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬

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The door slams shut, and Tommy bolts upright like a meerkat, his brain now a pile of sop from it's circuits breaking and fuses blowing.

He'd met Schlatt, and even talked to him. The one and only J. Schlatt. He pinches himself to verify if this isn't all just a lovely dream, and it hurts, which prompts him to smile even harder. Schlatt - aspiring politician who's started a lucrative business with just charm and smarts alone - talked to him. Acknowledged his existence. Albeit only to insult him but he takes it in his stride like it's all compliments. It's like nothing else exists except for Tommy, his growing euphoria, and Schlatt. He pinched himself again, and it still hurt.

Tommy bats his eyelids. Everything seemed so small now - it always has, but today, everything's more miniscule and trivial, even the stack of homework his teachers had thrown onto him had felt nothing more than just yesterday blues. He's on the very top of the world, and there's nothing that could put a damper in his mood. 

Tubbo and Fundy, the two Wilbur sicced onto him for babysitting purposes, both seemed indifferent to having just met J. Schlatt, the man who Tommy adored and looked up to but would never admit to it. His idol, to put it quite simply, but not in the 'stan' way. Just a fan. But it's been thirty-one minutes and fifty-two seconds after Schlatt's been in the same room as him, and he's still high off his rockets from sheer delight, so maybe he's just a massive fan.

They sit on Dream's really cushy couch, silent, and Tommy takes the silence as time to reminisce on what he's said, and he realised that he barely said anything besides "Britain", and "I'm not a child", which incurred upon him his next realisation that he most definitely didn't impress Schlatt. His brilliant smile dissipates quite quickly into a slight frown. He blew his opportunity to impress Schlatt, and all he could do was murmur cusses and mull over this.

Tommy musses his hair. He'll be sure to impress him the next time he sees him.





"Schlatt, really, thanks for coming over. I've never seen Tommy this fucking happy ever."

The door slams behind them, and it echoes in the quiet summer night. They stand outside, stars resplendent in all it's burning glory as they lean against Dream's house, admiring them. 

Schlatt smiles. "No problem, Wil."

Wilbur brushes his hair back, and from the window next to the door, peers back at his younger brother who's just brimming with pure bliss and a face that made him seem like he'd just achieved world domination. His glee is ethereal as it continues to further deepen the youth's already wide smile, and he's shining brighter than a supernova. A smile warms up on his face as he begins to talk.

"This really means the world to me, you know? I really don't know how I'd ever repay you." and Wilbur really means it. He can barely converse through just words how much Schlatt's just done for him, mostly Tommy, by just talking to his brother, and despite how inane it seemed to Wilbur, he'd felt nothing but immeasurable gratitude for his friend.

Without a sound, he pulls Schlatt close and into a friendly hug, long limbs overlapping one another as the aspiring politician pats him on the back. It's the best he could do to convey even a modicum of his rising emotions.

"I don't really care about it. Kid's happy, you're happy, and I'm happy. Just call me sometimes, okay?" Schlatt's offer felt like daylight robbery compared to the brilliant outcome of his services tonight, and Wilbur of course obliges.

"Yeah, I can do that. " Wilbur pulls away from the hug, and they resume standing around awkwardly as they stargaze. "Sorry you got kicked out of Dream's party by the way."

"It's fine, I've got something to do anyways." Schlatt lies, and Wilbur doesn't call it out. "Just make sure the kid's fine. He looks like he's about to fall over from a heart attack."

A pleased smile warms up on Wilbur's cupid lips. "Will do, Schlatt, will do." 


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