𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲

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A crowd ambushed him from the dark, chanting a merry greeting as Techno stumbled back, taking all of his nonplus and joy in like the five stages of grief.

The gaggle of now (secretly welcomed) giggling intruders reach to flick the lights on, any anonymity the darkness provided now killed as lights flickered alive. Techno vision adjusted slowly to the lights, and now could make out his friends sparsely scattered in his living space - Tommy near the confectionery with cream smothered on his cheek, Phil in the kitchen singing a wordless lullaby, Wilbur whose hands were dangling off his guitar, and the self-proclaimed Muffin squad, each huddled next to each other.

Other guests seemed to be exploring Techno's tiny apartment, most of them familiar faces who he had interacted with in the past.

The more queer part of it all were the balloons floating loftily around the room, specific colours bound loose to form pride flags. Though not (admittedly) in the LGBTQ+, he quite enjoyed the gag, seeing that his birthday landed on the merry first of June, and also because he supports pride.

He meandered past the bisexual and queergender balloon arrangements and over to where Phil and Wilbur now stood around, with Tommy sneaking a few bites while giving his own input.

"Did you guys seriously plan a surprise birthday party?" Though unnecessarily cynical, Techno inquired, earning a few lovely chuckles from his boys. "You nerds."

Tommy cut the birthday boy's words curtly. "I mean- how can we not?"

"For once, I agree, Tommy." Wilbur nodded.

"It was fun thinking of what to write on that banner."

Not without a collective look of mischief, they point at the banner strewn like laundry up on the walls, banner saying "Pigs live up to fifteen to twenty years xoxo", with a crude drawing of his Minecraft avatar with its eyes crossed out. It amused the birthday boy slightly.

"Someone busted out Google." Techno indignantly crosses his arms.

"You haven't seen the pinata yet."

"Oh god no, what have you guys done-"

Before Techno could even finish his sentence, Tommy crassly shoved a foam diamond sword into his hands, and turned him straight towards the pinata's direction.

The pinata didn't pose any anomaly except for the paper stapled to its face reading, "Homophobes + Transphobes"

"I must admit, I thought you guys did way worse than this."

"Blood for the Blood God." Tommy winked.

"Blood for the Blood God." Techno parroted.

With Techno's fingers just shy of the foam sword's handle, a familiar voice croons from behind them, asking for them to strike a pose. It's Sophie, and she fluffed her curly ginger hair, strands tangling with her fingers as her other hand held on tight to a polaroid camera.

Tommy dropped the foam sword unto the floor, and it hits Phil's sandals. It doesn't hurt anyways, and Techno redirected his attention back onto Sophie, now pulling the camera close to her eye.

Techno winced, posture stiffening as his mind ran through many scenarios thst could possibly go wrong for him.

If there's one thing he hates more than conversing with people he's comfortable with, it's pictures. They're usually unflattering anyways, but everyone else seemed up for it (if you didn't count Wilbur's feigned emotionless face; he does it for the laughs). Phil's arm hung heavy on Techno's shoulder as he pressed his weight onto him, while Tommy had leaned over, striking a peace sign.

Techno hoped his smile wouldn't come out as too forced on camera as Sophie exclaimed a hearty, "Say cheese-!"

Techno hoped his smile wouldn't come out as too forced on camera as Sophie exclaimed a hearty, "Say cheese-!"        

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[EDIT: I removed Arlus after he admitted to manipulating and grooming his female fans... lmao fuck that .!!!]


✏ 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora