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He placed his file down onto the table, looking the brunette dead in the eyes with a stare so unsettling and cold that it could scare a dead fish back alive.

"So," His voice echoed through the dark room, only lit by a florescent bulb hung above the middle of the meeting table. "Junior researcher Wilbur Soot, would you like to start talking?"

Wilbur could feel his fears crawl up his back, and his instincts screeched at him to just run, run far away, run untill his legs stop working, but alas, trying to escape will only result in his quick demise.

At least it'll be less torturous than what they put the D-Class through, Wilbur scoffed mentally. Nothing really justifies the hell they go through.

"So what of it?"

"Showing me sass won't help your case here, Junior researcher Wilbur Soot." O5-1 pointed out, and he was most indefinitely right. Wilbur was only digging his hole deeper and both of them knew it.

"I know." Wilbur smugly remarked.

"It seems you don't see the severity of this." O5-1 sighed. "I'm a very important man, and I've come down here, unguarded, to interrogate you."

"And I really don't know why you've done this." Wilbur folded his arms, leaning back into the chair. "It's a complete waste of your time and completely putting yourself at risk."

O5-1 went silent, and Wilbur almost lost it. The pressure and tensity of this situation wasn't really Wilbur's cup of tea, or any person's to be fair. You've got to be a robot to even feel a twentieth of fear that would eat away at your already deteriorating grit.

Holding back the urge to puke from the pressure, Wilbur attempted to press further. "Why are you down here, huh, mister I'm-so-important?"

O5-1 didn't spare a second to respond with his robotic and oh so formal response that Wilbur was getting tired of. "I have a proposition."

"Why me?" Wilbur asked, insanely critical of whatever proposition the robot might throw at him.

"Because I like you." O5-1 pointed towards Wilbur, befuddling the agitated researcher. "You seem nice."


"What can I say?" O5-1 warmly giggled, his robotic and cold persona slowly crumbling before the completely confused Wilbur. "Just hear me out, mkay?"

Wilbur was quite obviously very skeptical about the proposal. Who in the entire fucking world would risk his entire life to meet someone that they could probably deal with without directly intervening, especially if they had the influence and power as he did.

Was this new persona another way of convincing him into accepting whatever the proposal may be? Was it a way to lower his guard? If it was, it was a rather foolish plan.

Or was that really him?

"Sure, O5-1."

"Just call me Techno, Junior researcher Wilbur Soot."

Was that a fake alias of his so that he could bring back that misinformation to the Serpent's hand?

Wilbur swore to whatever gods out there that this was just a ploy to get his brain to combust from having to think of every possibility that could play out right now. This was too much for lil old Wil.

"Is it fine if I drop the fancy shit and just call you Wilbur?"

"I— Sure?"

"Thank god." O5-1 sighed, his sudden casualness only unsettling Wilbur further.

"You know, for an organization as big as ours, could we not even afford a light or something?"

Wilbur raised an eyebrow.

"Anyways," O5-1 shifted his hands to assumably support his chin, only showing the bottom of his pale hands in the amber light. "Here's the proposition."

O5-1 drew in a deep breathe, with each millisecond only making more thoughts race around Wilbur's already overwhelmed head.

With an earnest and serious tone, O5-1 mumbled a hushed, "Be my friend."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Hey, hey, I'm really trying here.." O5-1 dejectedly pouted. "One on one conversations are hard. Have you seen me talk to literally anyone? No! They all suck!"

Wilbur blankly stared at the location where he assumed O5-1 to be. "No, not that, you want me to be your friend? All this to be your friend?"

"Yeah?" O5-1 started to sound panicked and Wilbur could hear him start to swallow back words. "Isn't this how you do it or something?"

Wilbur couldn't help but be dumbfounded by the pure stupidity of this situation. The O5-1, arguably the one with the most influence and power, his entire identity a complete blur that even have a snippet what a letter of his name could be would be even more revolutionary than any discovery in the bloody history of the earth, asking a traitor to be his friend. This has got to be one of O5-1's disinformation campaign.

"I guess?"

"Resistance is futile, Wilbur." O5-1 jokingly stated, though seeming more like a threat from Wilbur's side. "You're now my new best friend. Do not fight against it."


[ hey guys,, i'm sorry for asking you guys to vote by pressing the star at the bottom of your screen so much but i really think you should vote haha ]

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