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I sat at the familiar grave I knew far too well. The weeds were short and black, burned to the core.

The sad grave was crumbling, and I hated the idea that harleys memory was leaving.

This was the reason I had done what I did.

It was the day when the storm passed over the sea. I swam after Harley, desperate to protect him, but I was pulled way.

The only other person in the water was a raven haired boy. Percy Jackson.

Both of their eyes locked and Harley cried out. Percy just looked at him then dove underwater. I wanted to think he knew what had happened, but he had no memory of another person of the water.

No one remembered Harley but me, and for that, they would pay.

"I'm going out," I said, walking towards the door.

Jason jogged until he was next to me, "what? Why?"

"I want vengeance,"

I was glad hazel couldn't tell anyone who I was, so I literally walked into the O.L.Y.M.P.U.S. building.

"Hey guys, where's haze?" I asked when I walked into the room. The heroes just remained quiet. I took that as my que to start acting again.

"No, no. Don't tell me you'd ent her out there again. She could've been killed,"

I ran to the hospital in the building, finding hazel still breathing but passed out.

The good news was, when she wakes up everyone will already know that I'm evil, which is a huge relief.

The other heroes joined me, and I was glad I'll be able to get a bit of revenge on riptides friends.

"Leo, we're sorry,"

I gave a playful smile, "that's okay because I'm not,"

Then I threw a fireball at a few things. They got ready to fight but I just trapped Grover in a ring of fire, and hazel in another one.

"you get to chose one,"

They remained silent.

"None? Well then I'll chose for you,"

The flame closed in, the person in the middle of the ring starring to collapse. As I ran through the building, I saw grovers lifeless body get burned.

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