“Harry nice to meet you” Fizzy says with a smile, she is always so nice and I don´t understand how she can be so nice to everyone while when I try to be nice it always comes out wrong, I don´t mean to sound mean I just miss the old times you know, I love Louis and I am happy he is happy, I just miss how things use to be.

“I like your shirt, it looks good with those pants.” I say and smile, I really try to be nice for Louis because he looks so happy and I don´t want to be the one who makes him sad again. I know that Louis is going through a hard time because I have seen how much hate he gets on twitter, I try to ignore it but it´s hard because it hurts to know that people write stuff like that to my brother who I love more than anything. It may not look like I do but I do love Louis.

Louis Tomlinson:

“LOUIS!” I hear my mums voice say, a smile creeps in to my face, I really missed my mother, she is like my rock when things don´t work out.

“MOMMY!!” I say and realize a little too late that it´s not only me and my family here…. Nope all my friends is here too, great Louis way to go.

“Oh darling I missed you so much.” She says and I kiss her on her for head, she is a beautiful lady.

“So where is he?” She asks me with a smile and I blush because I know she is talking about my beautiful Harry… I love that I can say my Harry.

I turn to introduce her to Harry when I realize that Harry isn´t beside me anymore… not that it´s hard to see him when he is the only one in here that has a light pink shirt, not even the girls has that on them, most of the people wear darker colour because why the hell not.

I spot him beside that girl Cher who is his best friend and a smile is forming on my lips when I see that Niall and Josh is with them, I can see how Harry is smiling. In one of his hands he has a coke and I smile, not even on my birthday will he drink… or maybe he drinks but just doesn´t want to tonight. I am pretty sure I have seen him drinking wine…

“You see that curly haired beauty with pink sweater who is talking to Niall and Josh? That is him” I say and smile while looking at the beautiful human in front of me, he looks like an angel who is stuck in a place with only dark people. He is like the light in here.

“He is beautiful Louis.” My mum says and starts to make her way over to him, when I start walk after her she stops me and tells me that I can go talk to some of my guests while she talks to Harry.

I see how she walks up to Harry and I can see how he smiles and starts talking to her. Both Josh and Niall gives her a hug, she is like another mother for them, I love how close my mom is with my band, they are my best friends and it would suck if she couldn´t accept that you know.

“Hey man good to see you again” Kellin comes up to me and says, Kellin is a nice dude, I am pretty close with him and the Sleeping with Sirens dudes.

“How is the world tour coming along?” I ask and he gives me a smile, I know he is happy that he finally get to do this tour together with Pierce the Veil. Him and Vic are like the bestest of friends after that King for a day collaboration.

“It´s amazing, I get to go to so many cool places and I get to see different kind of fans when it´s Pierce the Veil´s fans also.” He says with a smile and I can´t help myself from smiling, I know what he mean that is how I felt when we were touring with All Time Low. It´s one of those moments when different people come to one place to enjoy the same music. Music is a way to bring people closer to each other, it doesn´t matter who you are.

Lost in Stereo (Larry Stylinson)✔️Where stories live. Discover now