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What's up everyone???? It's been a hot minute eh? 

I really wanna continue this shitshow of a fic, but I read the previous chapters and want to implode lmaoooooo.

So, how would y'all feel about a rewrite? 

I won't make a new fic, I'll just replace the old ones here. So it's easier to find you know? And less confusing for me too. Don't worry, I'll make it obvious which ones are updated.

Probably gonna keep the shit-dragon's dialogue the same tho cause I'm W E A K for him lolol. 

There should be a new and improved (And better written Jebus Crust I cringgg) chapter up by the end of the week. See y'all then!!!

Thanks for sticking with me this long, it really means a lot :)

Update: Chapter 1 is now up! Any rewritten chapter will have new titles.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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