chapter 3

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I do not own Fairy Tail, and I do not profit in any way from this fic.

Right, a very special thank you to Kitty723 for reviewing!


Outside of Freed's house

Only one thought was apparent in the lightning dragon slayer's mind, protect mate, the rest of the world was blocked out save for the image of Freed's limp body, splayed over the front steps of his house.

The lightning dragon sprinted forwards, knocking the human bystanders who were in the path between him and his mate off of their feet.

Lightning cackled across the bulging muscles hidden underneath smooth skin as he searched the street for any potential threats, teeth bared in an animalistic warning.

Finding a human male too close to his mate, the dragon rapidly closed the remaining distance between his mate and himself, leaving others trembling in fear and shock around him, too petrified to move.

As soon as the lightning dragon reached the prone form of his injured mate, he immediately crouched protectively over his prone form and growled menacingly at the offending human, watching in satisfaction as he backed away.

Not fast enough.

The dragon let the sparks dancing over his skin spread to his mate in a sort of shield.

He let a stray spark leap off of his skin and strike the human that was still too close, and smirked in triumph as he was thrown backwards off of his feet.

As if a switch was flipped, the other humans that surrounded him and his mate quickly turned tail and fled.

With all potential threats to his mate's well being eliminated, the beast turned to his ailing mate.

Gently, as if he were made of glass, the Thunder god lifted the limp body into his arms, whimpering quietly as the sickly sweet smell of sickness wafted off of the still form in his arms.

At a loss at what to do now that he had his mate safe in his arms, the dragon turned to the entrance of his mate's nest, and carried him through the threshold.

Inside Freed's house

The lightning dragon gazed at his mate as he swiftly carried him to his place of resting.

He slowly and carefully leaned his head down to softly nudge at his mate's beautiful face, and huffing softly in concern when he did not respond.

Finally reaching the soft nest where his mate sleeps, The Thunder God ever so gently set his mate down onto the soft covers. Now three primal urges remained, get his mate clean, fed, and rested. With a parting nuzzle to his mate's face, the dragon turned to survey the newly discovered territory of his mate.

He looked around the space, watching as he curled up next to the still form of his mate, ready to attack at the slightest sign of danger.

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