chapter 5

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I do not own Fairy Tail, but I wish that I did though...Anyway... ON WITH THE STORY!!!

Freed's house

Laxus was snapped back to reality when his incredibly sensitive ears detected a quiet groan drifting softly down the stairs.

Ahh, shit...How exactly was Laxus going to explain why he was currently leaning against the cream walls of Freed's hallway?

As Laxus proceeded to have a mini break down, scrambling to come up with an excuse for going all cave man on Freed, Teavarth interjected.

"You know, you better get your behind up those stairs, or he is going to be pissed off with you..."

Shut up shitty dragon, it's all your fault in the first place, Laxus thought back to the lightning dragon with venom.

"Well, if you weren't behaving like a five year old girl afraid of cooties, I wouldn't have had to do this! Grow some balls and take it like a man!"

Rolling his eyes, Laxus swallowed the churning mixture of fear and pride sitting in his stomach like a stone and slowly trudged his way up the seemingly endless staircase, dreading having to explain to Freed what had happened in the past few hours...

Freed's bedroom
A splitting pain shot through head as he finally regained consciousness, it seems like his body was made of lead, and he struggled to move his weighted limbs.

Freed duly noted that his jacket and boots had been removed, wh-Laxus... Forcing his weak arms beneath him, Freed levered himself -with great difficulty- onto his elbows to survey the room around him.No Laxus.

Damn.A harsh tickle irritated his throat and forced him to cough roughly, the tremors wracking his body were so intense that Freed lost his balance and went crashing to the bed below.

As the coughs increased in severity and frequency, Freed could not bring enough air to his lungs, seeing as he was sprawled on his stomach, his body weight compressing his chest.

Freed's body convulsed with the need for oxygen combined with the burning pain of his throat and chest from the pain from the light felt like tiny needles being stabbed repetitively into his skull.

As his vision began to fade around the edges, through a curtain of silky green hair, the last thing that Freed saw was the heavily muscled form of Laxus standing in the doorway.

His body illuminated by the soft light streaming in from the hall... 

Laxus attempted to delay his fate by slowly (Very slowly) making his way up the stairs and towards Freed's room.

'You know, going slower will not make the outcome any better.'

Shut up; go throw yourself in a tub of water. Teavarth's smooth daughter filled Laxus mind.


Laxus thought, mumbling under his breath about different ways to help the lightning dragon along to his timely demise.

After about thirty more seconds of procrastinating in the hallway leading to Freed's bedroom, Teavarth growled softly in Laxus' mind.

'Go, your mate needs you.'

"che, shitty dragon, how do you eve-"

Laxus was cut off by the sound of harsh coughs splitting through the deafening silence, growing more desperate by the second.

Sprinting the remaining distance between him and Freed's bedroom, Laxus threw open the brown wooden door.He caught sight of Freed face down on the bed.

Well fuck.

The growling sensation from earlier rose stronger than ever in his mind as he approached the limp for of Freed sprawled out on the bed, silky green curtains of hair spread like a halo around his head.

Laxus grabbed Freed's shoulders and held upright against his chest to help him breathe easier, because if the wheezing, shallow breaths were any indication, Freed was having trouble with it.

"Come in Freed, wake up already..."

Laxus muttered as he tilted Freed's head back, cradling his prone form against his own.He swore internally when he detected the unnatural heat radiating from Freed's pale, quivering skin.

Laying him down gently to the covers on his back once more, Laxus removed Freed's shirt.

His chest was only dipping very shallowly, small beads of sweat adorned the pale skin.

Laxus turned to enter the bathroom and scour the cupboards for a thermometer, and only finding empty space.

Closing the cupboard with a little more force than necessary, Laxus turned back to the bed only to find the thermometer on the bedside table.

This bitch...

Swallowing his irritation, Laxus inserted the thermometer into Freed's mouth.

'I know what else can go into that mouth...'

Laxus mentally kicked Teavarth.

'Ow! I can actually feel that you know!'

Go find your own mate ero-dragon.

Laxus mentally kicked Teavarth again.

The beep of the thermometer jerked Laxus out of his mental argument with the lightning dragon.

Laxus read the temperature.

103 degrees.

Well that's a problem.

Standing up, Laxus went to retrieve a cloth and a bowl of water from the kitchen, and Freed had better acknowledge the mental pain and suffering that this was putting him through.

Jeeze, he just had to pick now to be sick.

After about two minutes of searching, Laxus had finally found the bowls in the smallest cupboard on the far bottom right.

Seriously, inanimate objects seem to hate me today, what have I ever done to them?

'Oh I don't know, maybe knocking down and destroying an infinite number of houses and landmarks over the years, mmmhhhmm, yeah, nothing big or anything...'

Shut up, God, you're so annoying.

Laxus filled the bowl up with cool water and made his way back up the stairs again.

He nudged the door open wider with his hip and set the bowl down on the bedside table.

Plonking down onto the bed beside Freed, Laxus smoothed the hair away from Freed's face and lay the wet cloth over his forehead.

Okay, shitty dragon, you better be ready to explain all this crap right now...

And done! Laxus is still so hard to write, and I totally agree with Shiri, Fraxus is so cannon! There needs to be more Fraxus fics on this site!Please review, they are what keeps me writing!

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