Chapter 13

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"I-I'm a m-monster Laxus"

Freed's chest heaved with exertion as he desperately tried to hide his face behind his hair. Oh Gods, what am I? What was that thing from before? He thought frantically, minute trembles running down his spine.

He Clenched his eyes shut tightly as a low menacing growl sounded through the muscled chest he was pressed against, his muscles tensing in dread.

"I'm s-sorry, I swear I'll fix i-it. I understand if you're angry, I-"


A softly growled voice cut Freed off, and his mouth clicked shut as his shoulders drew inwards. "I'm sorry"

Solid arms tightened around his shoulders as Laxus crooned softly in apology. "You're not a monster", a strong chin rested on Freed's emerald locks, "You're mine".

A solid blush dusted Freed's cheeks as he his his face in Laxus' chest in embarrassment, slender hands rising to grip the Thunder God's defined back.

But at the back of Freed's mind, a lingering darkness remained, drawing his thoughts from the blond holding him in his arms

Whatever that was, it wasn't normal, maybe he would be better off without me...

Laxus- Dreamscape

Laxus was slumbering peacefully with his mate cradled in his arms breathing softly in time with the slender greennette.

'Aww yeah gettit boi'

At least he was.

'What do you want now shitty dragon? I'm busy'

'Excuse you, but my name is ' supreme custodian of the ancient and revered order of buggery and fuckery, the majestic beast of the north, all tremble before my awesome power of seduction as my subjects prostrate themselves at my feet'

Laxus raised a single unimpressed eyebrow.

'But you may address me as Taevarth'

The blond raised a hand to rest on his forehead as he sighed in annoyance, eyebrows drawing together, he gritted his teeth tightly together.

He turned his back on the dragon, preparing to leave and surrender himself to true sleep. Laxus paused to mentally shove Taevarth into an icy lake.


Filled with leeches.

Preparing to leave the dreamscape, Laxus basked in the screams of terror and let himself slip into darkness.

The screams stopped.

Laxus' shoulders tensed as he dragged himself back from the clutches of sleep to whip himself around to gaze at the empty space where the dragon should have been.


He was gone.

A menacing rumble shook the foundations of the dreamscape, rocking Laxus along with them, as as Taevarth's clawed front leg slammed against the ground in front of him, drawing Laxus back to rest against his chest, lighting dancing up glinting scales. Massive wings cocooned defensively around the pair as a sparking tail coiled itself into a position ready to attack.

'Oi, shitty dragon, what the hell are you doing?' Laxus snapped, a shiver of unease trickling down his spine. He was cut off by a rumbling growl that shook him to his bones and he glared upwards to view the lightening dragon's face.

Laxus' uneasiness grew as he saw the usually smiling face drawn into a brutal snarl, pupils shrunk to pinpricks, as his eyes practically glowed with power.

'Something's wrong. Go to your mate, I will protect us from here.'

Freed's bedroom

Laxus snapped awake with a gasp, heart racing. A sudden gasp to his side instantly drew his attention to his mate, who was trembling and twitching in his sleep, a frown of fear upon his fine features.

The blond heaved himself up to rush to his mate's side, and just as his fingertips brushed porcelain skin, Freed eyes flew open, eyes darting back and forth across the room until they came to rest upon the Thunder God. Laxus immediately drew his shivering mate into his arms in an attempt to comfort him from whatever was tormenting him.

Laxus tensed with hurt as his mate flinched away from him, clenching his fists with concern as he attempted to talk.


The blond's eyes narrowed at the fear in his mate's voice. What was causing his distress? He would crush it.

"I-I'm a monster Laxus"


Laxus growled menacingly as he tightened his arms around his mate. What the hell?

'Little one, I can't find the cause of your mate's distress, but i'm sure that I've felt this before... I just cant remember where. Protect him'

The Thunder God increased the intensity of his snarl at the bad news when a fragile voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"I'm s-sorry, I swear I'll fix i-it. I understand if you're angry, I-"

What? What was going on? Fury burned it's way through laxus' veins. His mate was in pain.

"Bullshit" He ground out around clenched teeth, tightening his hold on the petit greennette. Laxus' heart broke at the whispered "I'm sorry" and crooned softly in his chest, desperate to try and soothe his mate.

"You're not a monster, you're mine" The blond dropped his head down to rest on emerald green locks, rocking him slowly back and forth. He lay back on the bed, drawing Freed down with him to rest on his chest, stroking silken strands of hair from his pale face and watched with his heart in his throat as his mate slowly dropped off to sleep.

As the petit body in his grasp finally went lax, Laxus sighed and slid his eyes shut as worry roiled in his mind. What could make his usually calm and collected captain freak out as much as he had.

'The danger seems to have passed...'

Laxus sighed in relief and clutched freed tighter to his chest, he would have to keep a closer eye out for any danger. He would not allow his mate to get hurt.

'Well, now that that's over with...'

I swear to god if you even-

'Hunt that booty my young grasshopper! Even if it's the sweet ass of another man. Hunt. It. Down. Spare no quarter, chase it like a fox after a rabbit. I Know what else you two can get up to like rabbits after as well if you know what I mea- Ackk!'

Laxus slammed up a wall between him and the shitty dragon, buried his face in his mate's hair, and inhaled his unique scent of citrus and old parchment as he slipped under the silent curtain of sleep.

Laxus' Dreamscape

Reptilian eyes narrowed as their charge and his mate slid into slumber. That darkness...

He had felt it before, he was sure of it.

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