
The day that followed, I got to school very early—as early as 6am—because Bose had called the night before to tell me to be in school early as she really wanted to see me privately without interference. Before I could leave the house, I had gotten a lot of questions from mum on why I was leaving that early. Despite I had told her it was for a morning class I had to attend in preparation for the WAEC examination coming up, she was still worried and unyielding to let me. But after much persuasion, she eventually did. However, what I didn't know was that all the while I walked to school, mum followed behind me silently. I was shocked when I got to school and she hollered my name from behind to bid me bye. 

"Mum!" I exclaimed, shaking my head afterward. I waved at her and walked into the school building and straight to my class. The school was quiet, except for the sound of broom sticks speaking with the floor, which were made by the school janitors. Those guys were really trying. Anyway that was their job and they got paid for it. 

When I got to the class, I saw Bolu sitting with her face buried in the desk. 

"Hope I'm early enough." I said but the response I got were quiet sobs from her. My expression morphed into a haunted one as I sat down beside her. "Are you okay Bose? What's the matter?"

Bose lifted up her head and it looked like she had been crying for long. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"What happened?" I asked, with an extremely worried tone. 

She wanted to speak, but her lips quivered and she buried her face in my chest with a groan. All the while that I had known Bose, I had never seen her like that. She was always cheerful and one to console others, rather than being consoled. Her breakdown made my heart heavy. "It's okay." I told her, rubbing her back. When her sobbing subsided a little, I asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's David." She said as she lifted her face from my chest. 

I nearly rolled my eyes and hissed. "Oh, David. What happened to him?"

"He broke up with me." She dropped the bombshell. 

I wanted to laugh and shout hurray, but of course that would have been insensitive of me. I had always prayed and wished that one day David and Bose would break up and now that they did... Now that they did, I felt like a bad friend for even wanting that. How could I have even harbored such evil thought against my friend? I was just too overwhelmed by the jealousy of seeing both of them together and I wanted them to split so David could notice me and Bose could feel the loneliness of being single. Malicious, I know. I felt terrible. 

"Is that why you're crying?" I asked, "I thought you had lost one of your family members or something." From the look on Bose's face, I knew I was insensitive. "I'm sorry." I apologized. 

"I really love David and he just had to do that to me." She started to cry again. 

I embraced her, feeling a bit guilty for even wishing their split in the first place without considering the feelings of my best friend. I was being selfish. 

"Don't cry. What happened, why did he break up with you?"

Bose wiped the tears off her cheek. "I don't know. All I know is our relationship was getting toxic. He was always flared up by the littlest of things and he was always busy, not having my time anymore. All of a sudden, he called yesterday and told me he is tired of the relationship and wants to quit."

"Really, so you're saying you did nothing wrong that warranted him to do that?"

"None that I know of."

"He was cheating." I said with all conviction. 

"I don't know." Bose shook her head, shrugging. 

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