Heart Desire

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MERCY NEATLY folded one of her recently washed cloth and gently put it in her suitcase. She took the only remaining cloth and while folding it, Ada snatched it from her and stood akimbo before her. She shot Ada a look. They were both the only ones in the room. Faith was having an evening class while Brianna hadn't returned from her day out. 

"How long are we not going to be on speaking terms? You accused me wrongly of taking your hairbrush. You should be the one to apologize or are you that prideful, you can't?" Ada cocked a brow. 

"I'm sorry. Can I have my cloth back? You're rumpling it." Mercy extended her hand to get her cloth.

"Really? That's no way to apologize girl. You don't even look remorseful."

Mercy had a huge ego. She was never one to apologize first when not on cordial terms with another, even though she was wrong or at fault. She simply couldn't bring herself to do it. She always expected the other person to speak to her first, even if not to apologize. That way, she felt like she was addictive — like they couldn't do without her. 

Mercy sighed, touching her forehead with one hand. "Look Ada, I was just really pissed off that day and when I couldn't find my hairbrush, there was no other person to blame it on than you. You're the only one that requests for my stuff."

"But you later found out it wasn't me, so I guess I deserve an apology for being accused wrongly." Ada folded her arms around her chest. 

"To be very honest, I didn't expect you'd take it this far."

"You're stalling." Ada rolled her eyes and checked her recently manicured nails. 

"No, wrong word."

"Whatever, just apologize."

"I thought I already did." Mercy shrugged. 

"Do it again."

"Okay, I'm sorry Ada for accusing you wrongly." Mercy's eyes danced around and she smiled, feeling awkward. 

Ada looked at her for a moment, smiling. "You're so proud." Ada tossed her cloth to her which she caught deftly. "Anyway apology accepted. We're cool now. So what's up?"

Mercy folded her cloth, put it in her suitcase and zipped the suitcase closed. "A lot has happened within these past few days." She said and filled Ada in on all the event that had occurred to her, starting with her meeting with Tony, to Lee asking for a hang out and then to the lecturer's case. Ada found it all too surreal just the same way Mercy did. Nevertheless, Ada was in support of her plan to get herself vindicated from the pedophilic lecturer.

"Such animal!" Ada spat. "He should not only be fired from his job, he should be arrested as well."

"Oh well, as long as I'm free, I don't care what happens to him."

"Anyway, let's talk about the more interesting part. Wait so you mean Lee asked you out and you think Tony likes you?"

"Correction, Lee only asked me to hang out with him, not like he asked me out."

"There's no difference my darling." Ada moved towards her and held her cheeks. 

Mercy motioned away, dipping both hands in her Jean short pocket. Her back was now facing Ada. "When you say ask out, you make it sound like a romantic date and it's not. It's just us spending time together in a place as friends do."

"Hmm, that's how guys put it: let's hang out and when that happens, it ends with a kiss."

"Mine wouldn't. Lee is not your average guy. He's a nerd. Besides, I don't think he likes me — Like, likes me. You get what I mean." She wasn't exactly sure about what she had just said. For one, she noticed Lee liked to spend time with her after lectures, so that could mean he had feelings for her. Or it could also mean he just simply liked her company. But if the former was true, Mercy didn't want that. She didn't like Lee that way. She liked him only as a friend and she was okay with that. It was Tony she was sexually attracted to and if she discovered Lee had feelings for her, that would definitely make her feel awkward around him which could in turn ruin their good friendship. She didn't want that. She brushed the possibilities of Lee liking her as more than a friend off her mind. 

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