Sex for Grade

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THE SUYA guy? Nothing prepared her for this shocker. The first thought on Mercy's mind was how he got her number. Could it have been from Brianna because for all she knew, it was only Brianna that knew she had met Tony and had conjectured she liked him? Be that as it may, this was Tony calling her, meaning he must have requested for her number. Mercy wondered if he had noticed her last night and was infatuated with her too.

"Hello, are you there?" Tony asked. 

"Oh, uh..." Mercy stuttered nervously. It was like he was in her very presence. "Yeah I'm still here."

"I'm sure you're surprised and you must be wondering where I got your number from."

Such a sexy voice. Mercy thought. "Yeah, you got that right. I'm flabbergasted!" Mercy was even surprised herself by her feigned American accent. 

Tony folded his arms around his chest as he smirked, "How about this, you meet me tomorrow under the mango tree on campus besides jaja hostel and I'd tell you all that you need to know."

Mercy was silent for a while, wondering what this was all about. Was Tony indirectly asking her on a date? Or what if he wasn't the Tony she had met the previous night or worse, what if he was a kidnapper or even a serial killer and this was all just a ploy to get her in his trap. For all she knew, she didn't know how Tony sounded in person. He didn't speak the night she met him so there was every probability it wasn't him calling. With that thought in mind, she brainstormed for a response to give the caller but it was like her mind had gone blank. 

"Mercy, are you there?" Tony asked after a short while. 

Her heart skipped a beat when his voice came on. "Yeah yeah." Her response came out breathy and then she exhaled quietly.

"Are you usually this tongue-tied?" Tony asked. 

"How do you even know my name?" Mercy responded immediately. 

"See you tomorrow and you'd get answers to your question." Tony said and terminated the call. 

What just happened? A guy had just called her claiming to be Tony, her new crush and said he wanted to see her the next day. She didn't know if she should be excited or frightened. She gripped her phone and fiddled with it, many thoughts surging in her mind and then she remembered Brianna. 

"Hey Brianna, did you give anyone my phone number?" Mercy asked as she returned into the room.

Brianna was on her phone. She looked up at Mercy. "Who called?"

"You've not answered the question." Mercy said curtly. 

"Calm down babe!" Brianna got slightly irritated. "I didn't give anyone your number."

"Tony called and I don't know how else he would have gotten my number except from you."

"Who is that?" Ada asked.

"The suya guy." Brianna responded, "Oh he called. What did he say?" Brianna sat up in a lotus position and grinned in anticipation for Mercy to fill her in. 

Mercy narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Did you give him my number?"

"It doesn't matter. What did he say?" Brianna quizzed curiously. 

"Brianna, I told you not to intrude." Mercy whined, throwing her up arms as she moved to her bunk bed. 

"Intrude on what?" Ada sat up from her bed curiously. "What are you girls talking about?"

"Must you know Ada?" Faith said. "Learn to mind your business. Remember, curiosity kills the cat."

"Oh gosh! Must you be so annoying?" Ada rolled her eyes. 

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