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Long lost Scar

You had a long lost scar
but you failed
To notice it.


You each told them your names taking turns one by one and as the moments passed by, you were preparing yourself to finally hear out their plan of action, to escape Jungkook and Aiva.

"Listen to me carefully, okay?" Emberg started as you all stood in a circle, and you nodded in response.

"There will be a party hosted today in the evening where all the nobles and high ranked officers will be joining in. The other people of Lumis will be gathering around in the Lecent garden, partying there. The dungeon is near the castle. You need to sneak in to the dungeon through the party in the castle so you have to attend it. Two of you can go attend the party while the other will try to sneak in to the dungeon. Just when all of you will move out of the castle, you have to get out of here as soon as possible for most probably, you will be followed by the guards. You just need to go out of there, and straightly go to the Lima mountains and finally pass through the portal. Is it okay? There's no other way I could think of."

"Its perfect!" You exclaimed as you clasped your hands together, smiling and nodding at his plan.

"So who will attend the party and who will go to the dungeon?" Jimin asked.

"Well......judging from the way you all acted before, Jimin will be the best to go to the dungeon and both of you attend the party, but don't forget to get out on time. You see at the sharp midnight, the six planets will be seen and the event will eventually shut down to an end, closing all the available portals so before that you have to get out of there and you know there must be an indication for the alignment. It is that you will see bright fireworks in the sky though they arent the same. They are just some reflected lights, from the planets."

"Okay.....but can you tell us why is the party taking place?" You asked as curiosity filled your mind.

"You see it takes place every 6 years on this day because all the 6 planets will be seen together aligned, and Lumis as the brightest, will lighten them up. That's the reason this is known as the kingdom of lights coz all of their lights are under our control...." Emberg said proudly.

"Hm, I understand. Let's make a full proof plan then." You said and took the next moment to begin with-making a foolproof plan to get your two friends sneak out of the dungeon.

It took utilization of three hours that you finally came up with the master plan. Your plan was ready and perfect and you knew it would definitely work if none comes in the path. All you needed to do was to land somewhere at a distant sea, your first step.

"...and so like that we will escape!" You exclaimed.

"Yup. That's perfect." Taehyung said as he nodded at you.

"Well, thank you for helping us." You thanked them, bowing.

"Oh, it's ok. Think of it as our duty. We know someday Jungkook will find the Livoid's king's son and he will soon end all of this."

"Does Jungkook has something to do with him?" You asked.

"Its...nevermind. It's nothing really." Emberg said and you nodded, not minding Jungkook's business.

"So it's the evening already. When is it going to start?" You asked.

"Soon.......after 1 hour." Emberg replied as he realised and his eyes widened. Yours too.

"Ok......but are you going like that?" Kevin asked, giving the three of you a disgusted look.

You knew what he was talking about and was probably right. If you go there like that then all of you would be ending up in the dungeon, right next to Jungkook and Aiva, might be even muttering a low Hi, which was for sure good to hear but quite obnoxious for the damn situation.

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