Sarada!? Himawari!? Chan!?

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"S-Sarada!? Himawari!?" Boruto shouted confusingly as he looked them over for injuries or anything. Sarada was the same from the last time he saw her. Same onyx short hair, onyx eyes, glasses, and her academy outfit. Himawari was the same as well. Still short and younger than him, Himawari had lavender hair, lavender Hyuga eyes, two whiskers in her cheeks, and the outfit her mother had given her for her birthday.

"E-Eh!? Boruto!?" Sarada gasped as she pushed her glasses up. Jumping off of Naruto, Sarada made sure Boruto was real by feeling his face. He's real... Sarada thought as her face hardened. Bringing her arm back as her hands tightened in a fist, she threw her fist towards Boruto's face. "SHANNARO!"

"OOWWW!" Boruto cried out as he landes on a building wall. "What the hell was that for, dattebasa!?" Boruto asked as he nursed his bruising cheek.

"Nii-san!" Himawari shouted happily as she ran towards Boruto and tackled him, giving him another bruise in the back. "Mom and Dad were so worried! We thought you were gone!" Himawari said as she gripped Boruto's jacket.

"Me gone!? But I'm right here!....HEY WAIT HOW DID YOU GUYS END UP HERE AS WELL!?" Boruto shouted as he realized what was going on.

"Hm...I wonder..." Sarada thought as she went into a thinking pose. How did she get here? Last thing she remembered was touching one of Daddy's scroll...

"S-Shannaro...dattebayo!?" Naruto thought as he too, like Hinata fainted. Why couldn't Kami give him a break. One child was enough...but two!? And one of them was Sakura-chans!

"Ah! Dad! Look what you did Sarada-Teme! Now what are we going to do-"

"Ahhh!" Another scream was heard from above. Looking up, Boruto caught notice of the green spandex.

"Eh!?" Boruto said. Quickly realizing what was happening, Boruto pushed his sister out of the way to safety before he was squished by something...or should I say someone! "Ack! C-Chan..."

"Eh!? Chan-kun!?"

"Seems like Team 7 is reunited again." Sarada said as she smiled. "Now...where are we?"

"Haaah...I really need a break..." Tsunade moaned as she stared at the four kids in front of her. She had made a list of who belonged to who.

Chan was the son of Rock Lee. Surprisingly she believed he wouldn't have children.

Himawari was the daughter of Naruto and Hinata, younger sister of Boruto.

And came the hard part that even she, Tsunade, almost choked on her sake. Sarada. Only daughter of Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha. Sasuke the boy that betrayed his village to destroy his brother.

Boy she really did need a break. Heck...she wouldn't even be surprised if Ino had a son!

"Okay...let's get this straight. Each and everyone of you were messing with the scrolls in your parents office...and you ended up here...?" Tsunade rephrased again as she took a swig of her sake.


"You Gaki's! Has anyone told you that your not supposed to touch your parents things!" Tsunade angrily shouted as she pointed at all of them, making them all cower in fear.

"G-Gomen Tsunade-sama." Chan said as he bowed. "B-But we were worried about our teammate Boruto."

"We were Tsunade-sama. Its been a few days that he's been reported missing." Sarada agreed. Chaa! Boruto-kun had us worried sick!

"H-Hai...Mom was worries sick..." Himawari also agreed as she gripped the hem of her skirt. " do we get back home?"

"Haaah...she's been working on it guys. Bacchan still hasn't figured it and with you all here...its going to take longer, dattebasa!" Boruto cries out as he has to wait much longer. Naruto however, was having a fun time as he had woken up earlier in the night.

"So...your Sakura-chan's daughter?" Naruto asked as he could see the resemblance. "And your my daughter?" Naruto asked again as he points at Himawari, who nodded. "And your Bushy Brow's son?" Naruto yet again asks as he points at Chan.

"Hmm...I wonder how old Sasuke married Sakura-chan? He never did show interest..." Naruto mumbled as she began to think. "And to think Lee had a son. Wonder who the lucky woman was..."

"Haaah...I can't handle this anymore! If only Jiraiya was here!" Tsunade muttered as she slammed her face on the desk. "Ehem...anyways...what will with you two. I know I could have Himawari stay with Naruto and Hinata, but Chan and Sarada..." Who knows how both ninjas would react. Sakura would either try to make sure Sarada is her daughter or attack her. Lee...wasn't a great father at the moment since...he was at the moment doing many...MANY dangerous mission. So there was only on option...something she'll soon regret.

"Okay...Chan and Sarada...I'm afraid I'll have to have Sakura take care of you. Just try not to make her freak out... She's gone through enough as it is."

"Yes Tsunade-sama" Chaa! I wanted to be with Boruto-kun's family! Sarada thought as she and Chan nodded as they moved to the side.

"Himawari...I think you know where to go."

"H-Hai." Himawari and Boruto walked towards Naruto, sitting in his lap randomly.

"Now...if anyone that your going to has questions, send them here. Understand?"

"Yes Tsunade-sama!"
The Next Day!

"Tsunade-sama! This girl here says I'm her mother!"


"Hey. Mom wanted some answers."

Lol if anyone is good at making covers please make me one :D Help is appreciated!

Boruto's Misadventures Through Time Traveling!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang