Chapter 2: My First Friend

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(Hana above but w/ blue eyes)

The red head stared at the hokage, before cocking her head to the side in confusion. "An...apartment? What the hell is that?" Rose hit her in the head.

"It's a place where you live." The hokage said with a small smile as Hana nodded.

"Cool. So me and Rose sensei got an apartment. Sick." Hana said happily but the hokage shook his head, causing even more confusion for the girl.

"You will be living on your own. Rose already has a place to stay so you will be by yourself." The hokage said as Hana played with her goggles.

"Cool Cool old man. Say, I still get to train at the academy right?" Hana asked as the hokage nodded.

"Don't cause any trouble idiot." Rose threatened as Hana waved her hand in the air, smiling nonchalantly.

"Yeah yeah, I got it! See yah later Rose sensei!" Hana cheered as Kakashi led her out of the large office and out of the tower.

Hana's POV-

This place is awesome! Right now, I'm walking with the perv that calls himself 'Kakashi.'

"So Kakabaka, how far is this apartment?" I asked as Kakashi looked up from his stupid book.

"A few miles that way." Kakashi started as I looked to where he pointed.

I thought for a moment. "So Kakabaka, you live in the leaf village?" I asked as he nodded in response.

"My whole life." Kakashi said as I fixed my goggles; that's so cool.

"That's so cool! I hope...I hope I get to call this place home too. We've always been traveling, for as long as I remember, so I've never gotten to call anywhere 'home'." I said as I looked at the bright sky, a feeling of sadness taking over me for a moment. "But remember this old man, I'm gonna make a name for myself here! Just watch, Hanabusa Jimi will be the name of a legend!" I yelled as I laughed happily at him.

Kakashi's POV-

He's a jimi...That clan was wiped out years ago, so this boy is the sole survivor. But he doesn't look like a jimi. Jimi's usually have white hair but this kid's got bright red.

And he's never had a home..."I'm sure it will." I said as he laughed happily, running around and looking at every little thing.

I hope this kid never meets Naruto, that's a disaster waiting to happen....

Third POV-

The pair finally made it to the apartment building, walking up the stairs as Hana awed. Grabbing the pipes above her, she flipped up to the top floor, landing silently. "Hey perv, does anyone else live here?" Hana asked as Kakashi appeared next to her.

Kakashi looked down the hall at a door with a red circular swirl pattern on it. "Two doors down. Besides him, no one else lives on this floor." Kakashi said as Hana smiled brightly, her eyes glittering with excitement.

"Maybe I'll introduce myself later!" Hana said as Kakashi sweat dropped, watching her fix her goggles slightly.

'I swear, those look like his...' Kakashi thought as he unlocked and opened the door, as Hana ran past him into the apartment, not even bothering to take her shoes off.

"Woah!!! This place is huge!!!!" Hana yelled as Kakashi reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag, the coins inside rubbing against each other as they made a small clunking noise.

"Here. Spend wisely now." Kakashi said as he threw her the bag, the coins inside jingling as it fell into her hands.

"Thanks Kakabaka! See you around!" Hana exclaimed as Kakashi closed the door and disappeared, but not before smiling to himself.

Hana laughed as she ran around the apartment, checking out every little thing. "I guess I should go shopping. It's only noon right now, so I've got time." Hana said as she opened the door which squeaked on its hinges slightly as she left the small apartment.

Just as she closed her door, the door two doors down burst open as a blonde boy with a pair of green goggles on his head and an orange jumpsuit fell out of his door and to the ground with a thud. "Ow..." He groaned as Hana stared at him in curiosity.

"H-hello." Hana stuttered as he looked up at her, his bright blue eyes staring at her light blue ones.

"Who are you?" He asked as Hana locked her door, facing the boy fully as she smiled brightly.

"I'm your new neighbor! Nice to meet you, I'm Hanabusa Jimi! I'm gonna be the fastest ninja in all the lands!!" Hana exclaimed as she messed with her goggles, her fingers fidgeting under the boy's stare.

His eyes simply lit up with happiness. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I'm gonna be the hokage! Believe it! You know, I didn't think anyone would live on the same floor as me, I was just going to get ramen..." Naruto chuckled as he rubbed his neck, Hana tilting her head to the side.

" What the hell is that?" She asked as the boy's awkward smile turned to a look of horror.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT RAMEN IS!?" Naruto screamed as she covered her ears.



"JUST TELL ME WHAT THIS RAMEN STUFF IS!!" Hana yelled as Naruto grabbed her wrist and started running, Hana matching his pace easily.

They stopped in front of a small shop, a banner on the front with the name, 'Ichiraku' in red bold letters on the front. Naruto ran in as Hana followed, sitting next to the boy as she looked around curiously.

"Two bowls please!" Naruto asked as the man cooking smiled, nodding as he got to cooking. "You're gonna love ramen! It's like, the best thing in the world!" Naruto said happily as he stared at her goggles.

"Yah know, we're both wearing goggles! Guess we both have taste!" Hana smiled as Naruto laughed, smiling happily at her. Two bowls of steaming noodles were placed in front of the two kids, Hana's mouth watering at the heavenly smell.

Hana broke apart some chopsticks as she picked up some noodles, before slurping them up. The ramen was gone. In a few seconds she finished the whole thing.

"You're right, Naruto! This is the best thing in the world!" Hana laughed as the man cooking smiled at her.

"See! Seeee! I told you!" Naruto said as he ate over five bows in under a minute.

Hana went to put money on the counter but the man cooking stopped her. "Please, seeing you enjoy it so much was enough pay. This ones on the house." He said as Hana smiled brightly at the man.

"Thanks so much! I'll definitely be back!" She said as her and Naruto ran out of the shop.

Naruto showed her the academy, training grounds, and the dango shop. As it neared toward the end of the day, Naruto stopped walking as he fidgeted with his fingers nervously. "Say, Hanabusa, do you wanna be my friend!?" Naruto asked as Hana smiled brightly at him.

"Hell yeah! Best friends!" Hana said as Naruto tackled her into a tight hug, both of them laughing hysterically.

Naruto and Hana went back to their apartments, Naruto saying goodnight to her before they both went into their houses. ''I made my first friend!!' Hana squealed as she ran around happily, before falling back onto her bed.

"This place is awesome. I can't wait for the academy tomorrow!" Hana yelled excitedly before her eyelids closed, and she drifted off into a heavy sleep.

(A/N:) have a fantastic day!:D

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