Everything Fiction Is Now Reality

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/Charlotte or Charlie POV, ish\


Those were the first ever thoughts Charlie had when she opens her her eyes, not only from seeing the big fancy throne room, though she was very amazed, but also from seeing the Supreme Beings, more specifically, the Elder Lich, to which she knew was her father, much to her extreme joy, and would've very much liked to express her happy emotion, but she gotten the feeling that saying or doing anything without permission would get her in trouble, so she only kept on her happy, which was enough to earn a compliment from not only from the Supreme Being, but her father to, which made her want to blush and squeal in joy, but managed to remain calm and collected, which became even harder to do, when she was allowed to have follow her father and not only explore the whole tomb of Nazarick, to which she loved every moment of it, but also meet both the Supreme Beings, to which she felt beyond honored to witness their presence, and meet her entire family, aka the other NPC, she met her Aunt Shalltear, a vampire who like to spoil her, Uncle Cocytus, a frost bug monster who was fun to be around, Grandpa Sebas, a human dragon butler who supports her way of seeing the good of everything, Niece Aura Nephew Mare, twin dark elves who were absolutely adorable and cute, Teacher Demiurge, a true devil who teaches her how to use her demonic abilities properly, and lastly, Vagatha, who she calls Vaggie, she was her personal guardian and protector, not to mention someone she thought she was cute~, anyway, she met other's and she was happy to meet those people, and hope to spend more time with her family... To which she did!~ And It was so much fun, she explores all over the Tomb Of Nazarick, or her home, admiring and loving all of it's design and beauty of it, she also does her best to support this place, whether it spends time and support all that lives here, or help defends from all that try to invade and take over her home by these, 'Players', though what she likes to do the most, is just simply hang out and bond with everyone she cares about deeply, especially with Vaggie, for, um, loving reasons, and with her Father, Momonga, not only because he's her literal creator, but because for all the time they spend together, just standing arounding, enjoying the starry sky, and listening to the many stories he would just tell her, like what was it like before her and Nazarick, the many adventures he went on, with and without the Supreme Beings, and what he even did outside the world of YGGDRASIL, to which she couldn't help but feel bad for him, to which she would've voiced out her pity, but stopped when he said this

"But everytime I'm here, with everyone I hold dearly, makes me happy and proud, and I wish for nothing to ever change..."

To which made her both hold in tears of joy, and excitedly silently agree to what he said, and she couldn't wait to do just that with everyone here~... Unfortunately it was only a wish, a wish that didn't come true, because after a while, one by one, the Supreme Beings started to leave, and never come back, much to the shock and dismay of all the NPC, and to her protector/secret girlfriend sadness, who broke down and cried in her arms all days, but, the one who took it the hardest, was her Father, while everyone, including herself, was overjoyed to see the Guildmaster Momonga still staying with them, and continue to rule over the Great Tomb Of Nazarick, she could tell that her Father was hurting from all the other Supreme Beings leaving, resulting in their father daughter relationship taking dump and staying in the throne room most of the time, much to her sadness, but she understood why, her creator was an important man, no doubt doing important things for their home, plus she had Vaggie, and Albedo to keep her company, and actually got along well with the Overseers, but the feeling of sadness and hopelessness still remained in her, from being unable to make her Father happy... After forever, the greatest blessing has been brought to the Great Tomb Of Nazarick, some of the Supreme Beings had returned, much to the joy of every servant here, and while sure it wasn't all of them, it did give all the NPC hope, but what really matters, was that Momonga was happy again, to which was all Charlie cared about, and to make the day even better, her and her Father started to hangout again, sure it was to fight Players that try to invade her home again, but they actually spend time together and had fun, something she missed very much and was beyond happy to do it again... After all that fun, she was force to wait outside the Supreme Beings meeting room, much to her slight disappointment, but she wasn't to upset about it, no doubt her father missed his friends dearly and wanted to spend time with them, to which she can happily wait for him outside, and talked to the nearby Pleiades, while also planning some fun activities she and father can do together, but, when the door opened and Momonga came walking out, she immediately noticed three things, 1: She saw him holding the Legendary Golden Staff of Ainz Ooal Gowns, to which she couldn't help but look at it with curiosity and wonder, 2: She quickly noticed that her Father wore a very depressed aura around him, much to her confusion, and 3: Before the door close behind him, Charlie was quickly able see that none of the Supreme Being were in the meeting room, making her realized that they have left them again, which made her depress, since she knew what was gonna happen nexts, and just sadly fallowed Momonga, Grandpa and the battle maids back to the Throne Room, both her and him sat on their thrones, and stayed their in silence, the Princess would just look and watch her father, being lost in thought, recalling some old memories, or just simply speak with Albedo, saying stuff like 'Being in love with her' or 'She is the mother of Charlotte Morningstar', which did make Charlie happy, not only from having a mother, but also seeing her Father finding someone to love in these sad times, giving her some hope, she looked away and slightly gripped her chair

'My Daddy is hurting, and I'm just here, sitting down on my throne and doing nothing, he's been here, not only looking after and caring for me, but everyone in Nazarick, what kind of Princess and daughter am I?! The Least I Can Do Is Comfort Him!'

Before she can continue to get internally fustrated with herself for the lack of doing anything, she gets startled when her Father suddenly stood up and wore a shock expression on her skeletal face

"What's Going On?!"

She didn't understand what he meant by that, and instead of doing nothing about it, she work out any courage she has in her and finally said something

"I-Is everything ok?"

She shyly asked, then flinched when he looked at her with his flaming red eyes?

"... Eh?"
Side note, Charlie is somewhat gonna be focused a little bit more than Ainz, ish, Also also, if I were gonna add Alastor, he would either be an abandoned NPC, or a real Devil in the New World, and be put in around Season 3.

(That's still if I'm gonna add him)

~Princess Of Nazarick~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें