The Heir Of Nazarick

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A big door opens, and we see a big armoured man, who is known as Touch-Me, and a big goat man, who is known as Ulbert, and the two were both standing in front and blocking the view of an Undead Overlord, who is known as Momonga

"Come on guys, just tell me where you're taking me!"

Momonga let out a cute annoyed emoji, which made the two big monsters chuckle and laugh at, before quickly moving away


As soon as the two players moved, the Undead Overlord gasped, for in front of him was a very large room, with amazing royal designs and settings. Decorated with a bunch of flags with unique and interesting symbols, and at the very end was a big throne meant for someone who could be considered a god. The necromancer was beyond speechless

"W-What's all this?"

Momonga was so shocked and amazed at what he was seeing, getting a closer look.

"Well, since you're our leader, it only seems fitting to make a throne for you."

Touch-Me explains as he and the goat man show the Undead Overlord, and just admiring all the little details

"Wow, all just for me, I don't know what to say..."

Momonga couldn't find the right words to express his extreme gratitude to his two friends.

"Well a simple thank you would be nice, Birthday boy~"

Ulbert teased as they made their way to the throne.

"Hehe, thank you Touch-Me and Ulbert, thank you very much~"

After looking at how awesome the throne looked, and receiving some encouraging nods from his two friends, Momonga sat down and gained some extra game buffs and stuff.

"Definitely fitting for your character."

Touch-Me couldn't help but admire at what he was seeing

"Heh, he looks like an evil overlord~"

Ulbert couldn't help but laugh at how the throne makes the Overlord seem so evil yet royal. Before the Undead King could complain about being made fun of, a screen popped up in front of him. This caught his attention.

"NPC Creation Menu, huh?"

Momonga was confused to see this

"This is your second gift that everyone here decided to pitch in."

Touch-Me quickly explains on what his friend was looking at

"Except Tabula, he was planning on making something else for you."

Ulbert said, seeing the need to add that, the Necromancer opens up the NPC Creation screen, which allows him to make any level 100 character he wants.

"A-Are you sure this is ok?"

Momonga couldn't help but shyly asked his two friends, looking up at them.

"Go nuts, this is your birthday, do whatever you want with it~"

Ulbert and Touch Me gave their reassuring nods and thumbs up. While Momonga was still a bit hesitant, he couldn't help but feel happy for this gift. Looking at the creation screen, after taking a deep breath and a moment to think, he began creating his new NPC.

NAME: Charlotte Morningstar.

LEVEL: 100.

AGE: 200 (looks 18).

GENDER: Female.

RACE: True Devil.

CLASS: Hell's Princess.

ABILITIES: True Devil's Transformations, Hells Magic, Aspect Of The Devil, God Level Immunity, Command Mantra, Seven Deadly Sins, Charm, Flight, etc.

EQUIPMENT: God Level Armor (Her normal clothing), Holy Amulet (Give her some Holy Abilities), Hell's Princess Royal Scepter (World Item to summon and command any demons, unless there a World Level threat/Player), Royal Throne (Extra buffs and stuff).

PERSONALITY: She shows strong compassion towards her friends and her people. She's naive and theatrical, while also bursting with passion. She does everything in her power to make everyone happy and is determined to make her kingdom into a better place. However, she can be stubborn whenever something doesn't go her way. She also has a huge passion and love for musical theatre. So much so that she says herself that she communicates more information through song (Is Bisexual).

ORIGINS: She is the daughter of Momonga, and the heir of the Great Tomb Of Nazarick.

And with all that made and done, Momonga pressed his buttons and suddenly, a young demon girl appeared next to the Undead King in a smaller, cuter girl's devil throne. She had white blonde hair, white skin with rosy cheeks, black lips, eyelashes, and a small nose. Wearing a light red suit, white shirt, black bow tie, and pants, she had a very happy/innocent/pure expression. The three players looked at the new NPC in front of them.

"So, w-what do you think?"

Momonga nervously asked his two friends.

"I think giving a devil a sweet personality was a nice touch~"

Touch-Me gave his thumbs up for approval, but before the Undead King could say thank you, the goat man decided to say something

"I don't know, too nice in my opinion, she should be more evil and demonic."

Ulbert couldn't help but say it, though before the Undead King could reply to that, he was once again interrupted by the Armoured Monster

"So you want her to be more like you?"

Touch-Me crossed his arms

"Yeah, because demons shouldn't be sweet and innocent!"

Ulbert puts his hands on his hips, and the two start arguing about whether demons needed to be good or evil and all that junk, to which Momonga just sighed and gently face-palmed.

'Not this again...'

Momonga then looked at his new NPC, and couldn't help but smile

"Don't worry Charlotte, you're just perfect the way you are..."

/A Few Hours Later\

"-Vagatha, a level 100 Fallen Angel, the princess main Guardian, knows a bit of spanish, and is a major slut~"

We see a type of squid monster, known as Tabula, looking over his second NPC's face and rubbing his tentacles.

"No no no, I can't just add the same thing..."

Tabula deletes the last word and begins to think

"Now what to add, what to add..."

Tabula hums a bit before looking over to Charlotte Morningstar sitting on the second throne, letting out a smirk emoji. He quickly went back to his settings and quickly typed in

"Is in a romantic relationship with the Princess Of Nazarick~"
Sorry, but I don't know how the NPC creation thing works, sorry...

(Takes place when Momonga friend's were still around and they were still new, ish, to the game, ish)

Special Roles For Charlie:

Momonga/Ainz: Dad.

Pandora: Big Brother.

Albedo: Mother.

Shalltear: Aunt/God Mother.

Demiurge: Teacher.

Cocytus: Uncle.

Aura Mare: Niece Nephew.

Sebas: Grandpa.

Vaggie: Personal Protector/Secret GirlFriend.

(Does the roles sound fitting? Or should I change some of them?)

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