final exams // death rounds

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^azelia banks is so problematic but omg this never fails to fmu 💀

___________ Narrator pov :
today is  now the day of the final exams and our little y/n is currently on her way to the arena as we speak , so how about i give you guys a little catch-up on what you missed / what she Learned

• Mastered ( not really tho she just got better w it ) Kujigan

• Summoning Jutsu

• basic Taijutsu 

• a little bit of the Kujikawa Barrier Jutsu

Well, looks like my Narrator times up , I'll let y/n take the show .

________ y/n POV :

Well today's finally the day ,
• am I ready ? No .
• Do I think I might die ? Yes ofc .
•Am I gonna back out ? I would rather shove a pickle up my ass , so obviously, no❤️ .

Time skip to first match- NARUTO POV:_____________________________

" Holy shit good luck Naruto , remember kick ass or eat ass "  y/n says to me flashing a smile and a very encouraging  thumbs up . I swear her smile is like the brightest , most comforting light ever known to man . Holy shit that's so romantic I have to write it down . Nvm I don't have time to write it down I'm about to defeat Neji and Become a Chunin !!!

Time skip to after Narutos match  cause I'm lazy and want just want to move onto shippuden :

Y/n POV:

Holy shit , He like actually did it 😳 like I obviously believed he could win but like it's still like kinda shocking ..... kinda inspiring though his whole speech kinda brought me to tears yk but like we're gonna ignore that .

* naruto runs up waiting area stairs , while the crowd continues to cheer *

" HELL YEAH NARU !!!! TOTAL KICK ASS VIBESS!!!" I congratulate my bestest friend , with double high five .

____________________naruto POV :

" where's sasuke , I have to go rub it in his face "

" he's still not here , I wonder what he's doing ? it's so unlike him to be late. " y/n says with that totally cute confused face .

" but don't worry , I'm sure he's fine yk stubborn sasuke he's probably like training or something " y/n says with a closed eye smile .

she's so prettyyyy, but it should be the other way around . Why is she trying to comfort ME!!!!! (A/N: because men need to be comforted to , naruto ugh giving me toxic masculinity vibes 🤢)

" of course . I wasn't even worried hahaha "

_______________ y/n POV :

am I worried about sasuke ? Yes
Do I have time to be worried about sasuke ? No
I don't , I have to support my friends who are here. For example : Shikamaru .

" Come on don't be a pussy , Just go " Naruto says gleefully , slapping Shikamaru's back making him fall off the rail onto the arena .

" GOOD LUCK SHIKAMARU!!!! I yell hoping to raise his spirits, because honestly he does not look so excited.

After Shikamarus match cause I'm honestly just lazy ______________

I- I wasn't expecting Shikamaru to like yk give up but like I'm not surprised. Although he still could've won but oh well he probably did it for a reason .

RUSSIAN ROULETTE ✨☁️✨NARUTOVARIOUS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now