a new jutsu

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3rd person pov :
early this morning y/n was woken up by naruto telling her that he'd be gone for the day.

"what? whadduya meann" the h/c girl pouts and whines grabbing the blondes arm

" your so cute y/n" naruto says with a small blush and a smile making the freshly woken up girl confused

'cute? i just woke up what the fuck nothing about this is cute ' y/n thinks

"i promised konahamaru that i would teach him a new awesome jutsu, i'll be at the training grounds if you need me" naruto says laying the girl of his dreams back to sleep in his bed

"ohh ok, have fun i'll see you later then " y/n slurs sleepily already snuggled back into naruto's bed. this time by herself sadly.

a couple hours go by and finally its mid afternoon and y/n has just woken up. she never really broke out of that whole depressing schedule where she wakes up super late, but today she was hoping to really go back to her old healthy self.

well she was never really healthy, mentally at least but at least physically her health couldn't have been more perfect, as of right now her head was still a mess and so was her body, she felt weak. it wasn't a mystery to as of why, she spent the last week doing nothing to all of a sudden being active but her body was left sore from the sudden transition.

"ugh i never want to be that sad again" y/n says aloud as she gets up from naruto's bed and walking towards the front door to go back to her home when she realizes

"fuck!! fuckkkk!!!" she cries out
" stupid y/n!! why did you have to walk in ONLY in your pajamas" y/n continues yelling at herself for now having to walk home in her pajamas and slippers in broad daylight.

y/n trying to prep herself for this embarrassment and literal walk of shame, she began pacing around naruto's apartment when she saw the famous squad 7 team picture framed on his nightstand, along with a couple of other pictures of naruto and her.

" i cant believe i almost forgot this very simple fix, im literally a shinobi" y/n scoffs to herself

" TRANSFORMATION JUTSU" y/n poofs  into a what would appear to be a carbon copy of naruto.

" yeah nobody would freak seeing naruto walk into my apartment. this is so smart im a fucking genius" the now whiskered boy stares at herself in the mirror in amazement before rushing to her home.


*POOF* as soon as y/n walks in her apartment she transforms back into herself

"never done transformation jutsu for so long, longest three minutes of my life" the h/c girl sighs

literally wasting no time y/n starts her day. doing laundry, taking her shower, and preparing lunch for konohamaru and naruto.

some people find it weird that y/n makes lunch and has so many sleep overs with her friend but to y/n it wasn't weird at all and her intentions were as pure as can be. she wasn't trying to seduce or make her friend fall for her but she loved naruto. platonically, romantically to her it was all the same love was love. and when y/n loves someone she shows it by taking care of them. acts of service is a big love language for her.

y/n pov:
while cutting and seasoning the chicken for konahamaru and naruto's lunch i couldn't help the smile forming on my face. theyre so cute together and the way konahamaru looks up to naruto is so cute . i could see him  now 'THANK YOU BIG SIS Y/n!!" please im already weak i love those kids like seriously.

RUSSIAN ROULETTE ✨☁️✨NARUTOVARIOUS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now