best mistake

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y/n pov :

i was in bed watching ino and kibas instagram stories with me in them, looking for any little flaw but surprisingly i think i looked pretty good in all of them.

" i'm actually kinda cute.. yay!! " i silently cheer to myself as i roll over on my bed.

while i was watching my friends stories i got a text notification from naruto.

" oh fuck my life " i say as i click on the notification and read it.

fuck it's actually kinda sweet.

i can't even bring myself to respond to the message, i just get up from my bed and go to naruto's place.
not even bothering to put on real shoes , i head to his place in my pajamas and my bunny slippers.

the very few drunk people out in konoha this late  were giving me weird looks but i don't care i need to talk this out with naruto.

not even as a boyfriend ( even though we never dated) but as a best friend , it hurts feeling like nothing but a peice of ass to someone i trust with my life.

i finally make it to naruto's apartment and by then i'm already in tears, but i try to pull myself together as i knock on his door.

he opens the door and i just can't help but hug him, i thought i was pissed but just need a hug. a real naruto hug yk. his hugs are the most comforting thing i've ever felt. he hugs me like how my moms used to, so tight and warm it's almost suffocating.

i missed this but i'm still upset. but it's so hard to stay mad at him in person, especially in his grip.

" explain and fix this shit naruto " i try and say sternly but it comes out as more of a whimper.

" shh im so sorry this happened, it's not my fault , but you don't deserve this baby " naruto comforts me , still holding me in this hug position but lifting me up

while blurting our apologies and curses to sakura naruto carries me to his room

i really hope he's not trying to fuck right now, im so over it.

when we make it to his room naruto sets me on his lap and starts wiping my tears

" hey look at me, sakura is a jealous bitch!! she was planning on telling you something since we left your apartment to go on the mission. she's jealous that you get to be happy in a relationship while nobody likes her, she told me she was gonna make sure you never speak to me again, i thought she was just being a weirdo but she i guess she meant it" naruto explains to me while holding my chin so i can't look away from him.

all i can do is nod

" i just don't understand why she would lie like that, if she wasn't comfortable wi-" i start explaining my confusion with the whole thing and naruto cuts me off

" she's just a weird bitch , that's why she did it. it doesn't matter just don't let her manipulate you y/n. you know i love you " he says pulling my by my waist closer to him

now i get an even better look at naruto in this moment. he looks so good right now. his hair is kind of messy and his body is so relaxed.

now that i think about it, i really should've took some time and thought about it instead of blindly believing sakura. naruto doesn't even text like the messages , but not gonna lie she got kiba down PERFECTLY. especially with the hoodville reference, that's literally kibas idol.

i just can't believe sakura would hurt me like that i feel even more betrayed. i thought sakura loved me like i loved her. we were like platonic soulmates. even our signs are compatible, maybe it's my cancer moon that set her off.

RUSSIAN ROULETTE ✨☁️✨NARUTOVARIOUS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now