cupid was stupid

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3rd person pov:

that morning y/n woke up at 12 pm expecting to see her 'best bitch' sakura next to her or at least in her apartment but surprisingly her bed was empty and so was the rest of her space . like any gen z in the world the first thing y/n did when she woke up was check her phone and awoke to messages from sakura , kiba , hinata , ino, and surprisingly but not really naruto.  basically all the text we're saying how they need to hang out soon , and y/n agreed. she could use some hanging out. except for naruto she told him to go fuck himself

" that fucking douche , kiba too, well not really he didn't even say anything wrong. he's like douchey by association " y/n explains to herself getting up from her bed after responding to her friends and heartbreakers text messages

while brushing her teeth y/n started  mentally planning her day or at least trying to.

'i definitely have some errands to run today as well tho, but at the same time i have been away for a while and still haven't seen my friends. fuck it whatever happens happens' the h/c thinks to herself
finishing while getting dressed

she got a call from the blonde, while debating herself if she should answer or not it was like 2nd nature for her to pick up naruto's calls so unconsciously she picked up.

" uhh y/n what was that message about " an obviously nervous naruto says

" don't act innocent naruto i know what you said and did" y/n scoffs purposely making the annoyance in her voice very noticeable because the blonde can't see the disgust on her face just thinking about those messages and sakuras stories

" what are you talking about?" naruto questions genuinely confused, he would've thought it was a sick prank if it wasn't for the events that happened that morning, but i'll let him tell that part.

" naruto if you can stop playing the dumb blonde, your a conniving liar and the biggest douche in konoha! i never want to speak to you, be associated with you, ever. bye you fucking cunt" y/n angrily says pressing the hang up button before the 'dumb blonde' could even think of a response.

naruto didn't even know what was going on , he just knew he wasn't just going to kill sakura, he was going to make her regret every breathe she'd ever taken.

" i feel great " y/n says trying to convince herself as she looks in the mirror after getting ready. like i said y/n was ready to have a very productive day to get her mind off of the huge heartbreak

the only problem was that anyone could tell by looking at her y/n was distraught. after opening up to someone she felt was her true love opening up about her biggest secret he goes telling his boys how she's nothing to him but a good fuck. she's disgusted and embarrassed with herself just as much as him. she can't stop the tears from rolling everytime she thinks about it.

" fuck this shit " y/n sniffles stopping her tears preparing to give herself a pep talk before she leaves

" get yourself together y/n! " she slaps her cheeks together, making direct eye contact with herself in the mirror

" crying about a heartbreak is literally the most pussy thing ever and you may not be the strongest emotionally but your not that much of a pussy to be crying this much, he's still your teammate and you went into your shit knowing that y/n!! stop being a pussy and just accept that you got used " she scolds herself before grabbing her keys and wallet and leaving her room.

before leaving her room she took a deep sigh and looked up at her roof

" FUCK YOU CUPID!! " she curses the imaginary angel and moves on with her productive day.

RUSSIAN ROULETTE ✨☁️✨NARUTOVARIOUS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now