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Wasuhhh mfs so like I'm SHIT BOOTY ASS at writing action scenes so there's gonna be a lot of Time skips in this but I'm gonna try my best k bye

3rd person POV :

" don't eat breakfast unless you want to throw up " lingered in the H/c girls mind as she looked at her fridge ....

" ehhh he did say not to EAT breakfast and I'm just DRINKING coffee ... definitely not the same thing ... yea totally not fuck it " The young Kujikowa said to herself as she made her iced coffee and headed out to the traing grounds  to meet her comrades .

$ At the training grounds $

Hmm seems like I'm the first one here , that's a suprise considering I'm always running late to something...

" hn " what the fuck was that ... ohhh it's just Sasuke ... wait why is he next to me I'm not complaining but there's a lot of other places to sit .

" oh hey Sasuke what's up " I say to my raven haired friend

" hn I'm suprised your here at this time " he says with a smirk .. 

" ugh what's that supposed to mean " I respond with a pout , like am I really late that often *internalized sighs *

" nothing , just that your always late " .. ugh I HATE how he's telling the truth .

" ugh! I hate you " I jokingly say with a small laugh. And all the Uchiha responds with is his iconic " hn "

"Y/N !!!!! " oh Narutos here wait god no please not right now ..: damn he done did it

" NARUTOOO!!! Did u really have to jump on me like that owwieeee you bitch" I curse to the blonde , I would say sorry but that'd be a lie like come on he had NO REASON to attack me like that .

" sorry but your so comfy I can't help it y/n " awww he's adorable how can I stay mad at him .

$ time skip to the start of the mission $

* internalized sigh * is Naruto really that dumb ..... but how are we supposed to beat Kakashi sensei I mean he's a Jonin it would take like all of us together to beat him ... THATS IT TEAMWORK ok , I'll just have to gather them all together and then we can beat him and get those bells .  Ooooo theres Sasuke Let me ask him .

" psssttt Sasuke , I have an idea " I whisper so Kakashi sensei doesn't hear/find us

" hn "

" let's work together , let's be honest here a jonin against a genin isn't fair but at least 2 genin makes it possible ya know " I explain .

" tch, sorry babe  but I've gotta do this on my own any other way would just slow me down " he says leaving to another hiding spot .

Ughh he needs to get that stick out of his ass , and why did he call me babe I mean I'm not complaining , wait yes I am complaining.. ugh whatever let's find Sakura or Naruto ...

" HAHAHAHA oh my gosh what the hell happened to you " I ask Naruto seeming him hung upside down .

" don't ask just cut me down please . " he says .

" ok In a second I have a proposal, let's work together, I mean if we're being honest here at least  genin against a jonin gives us a better chance " I ask hoping for a good response.

" sorry y/n but how can I protect you or even be hokage if I can't get a bell by myself, if you want I'll grab 2 so we can both make it " he says with the best smile you can make when your upside down .

" whatever and no thanks just get your own bell I say throwing a Kunai to cut him down while I go look for Sakura .  " OWWW " hn serves him right .

Ooooo there she is

" Sakuraaa let's work together to get those bells " I say not wanting to waste anymore time giving her the whole paragraph .

" NO !! WHERES SASUKE-KUN" She exclaims and continues looking for ' Sasuke-Kun '

Ugh this bitch * sighhhh * looks like I'm gonna have to try to do this by myself .

$ summary of what happened cause I'm lazy and just wanna hurry up and write another chapter $

And I oop- only one person got the bell and that was y/n. You may be wondering .. ' how did this bitch do it ?' Well it's kind of stupid ( like her oops- ) . Literally all this bitch did was hang onto the bottom of Kakashi's leg like a fucking 4 year old lmao . Like he kicked , he ran , and etc. but that bitch STAYED ONNNN !!!! Eventually she let go with one arm and SNATCHED her bell like a boss ass bitch ya know .

Unlike Sasuke who got stuck in the ground

Sakura stuck in genjutsu

And Naruto who got stuck/hanged on another tree .

$  After of the lecture cause I'm sooo lazy and tired oopsie I-  $

" Naruto open your mouth " I say sternly

" huh "

"Naruto just eat here " I say as I feed him ... I know Kakashi sensei told us not to but I could give less of a fuck about what he has to say it's not right to let him starve if we're a team then we're either gonna starve together or eat together the fuck .

" here dobe " Sasuke offers and soon after so does Sakura .

* poof *  what the fuck AAAHHH SENSEI What the fuck

(A/n : it's 2AM and I lowkey forgot how this part went so I'm just finna pull some shit out my ass and write and maybe fix it in the morning idk lmao )

" care to explain yourselfs "

" I- uhh Sensei, we are a team and no matter what we do everything together so if one of us eats then we all eat , you guys agree right " I say proudly

" yea sensei, either way we wouldn't have been able to preform well if Naruto was famished and that's a part of teamwork " Sasuke adds in

" Yeah what Sasuke-Kun said "

" YEAH WE'RE A TEAM BELIEVE IT " Naruto exclaims .

" all a team huh ... YOU ... ALLL. PASS "

" huh " we all say

" a ninja must see through deception, and that's exactly what you all did good job you all passed "

I am so UGH !!! He made us go through all of that for something he could have just said ... whatever I'm just glad it's over with finally ...

$ end of chapter 3 $

RUSSIAN ROULETTE ✨☁️✨NARUTOVARIOUS X READERWhere stories live. Discover now