Chapter 2: The Fall of the King

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"After you left I thought you'd never return," Slate spoke in a low, eerie tone. He stepped forward slowly and had his head tilted down as he glared at his son.

"You should come inside, we have much to discuss. In private." Spoke the king.

Toothless walked slowly around his father and toward the cave.

"We'll decide what to do with that thing after I deal with your insubordination." Slate muttered lowly.

The king looked over at Whiteout, "You can go to your den for the rest of today until my mate has time to speak with you. Now shoo!"

Whiteout whipped around and hurried toward her family's den. It was one of the closest to the royals due to her family's high status.

She hurried past her mother's judging emerald Eyes. She was as a few shades lighter than jet black and a tinge of green but dark enough for her heritage not to be questioned.

"What have you gotten yourself into now?" Whiteout heard her mutter angrily as she brushed past her.


"So... what brings you back home Shadow?" The king sat upon his throne and looked down upon his son menacingly.

"My friend wanted to see the birthplace of my kind. For a while I pretended not to know... but he really wanted to be here. So here we are." The prince replied sternly.

"You dare call that thing your friend? You're such a disgrace to my legacy! If you weren't my only son I'd cut you down right here!" A deep growl escaped from the king's throat.

"Oh really?" Toothless shot back. "This viking has acted more like family to me than you ever have! If you're so upset with me, then I'll just take him and leave again!"

"NO. I will not have you disobey my orders again. Stand down Shadow. And hand it over." The king was now making claw marks within the earth beneath him. His eyes were filled with his burning fury.

"I will not bow down to your tyranny!" As the prince spoke, a faint purple glow began to emerge through his nose and back. His power was growing ever stronger as his will began to do the same.

Hiccup stood behind him, and through Toothless's peripheral vision he could see his mother protecting his sisters in the next room over.

He had to protect them. He owed them that at least. The guilt he's been carrying all these years, has been holding him back. But now, he'll make things right.

"Tyranny? TYRANNY!? I'LL SHOW YOU TYRANNY!" The king burst forward, his back glowing a bright red and struck his son with a powerful blow.

Toothless recovered quickly, though his side hurt painfully. Then he shot a plasma bolt at his father, which he deflected with his age tempered scales.

King Slate then sprinted forward and dug his claws into his son's shoulder, attempting to pin him against the cave wall. Instead they broke through it and into the main cavern.

Using multiple calculated slashes, the king revealed his revered skill in battle. Which left many gashes along his son's body that will now be weak to to his plasma bolts.

Readying his crimson mega bolt, the king loomed over his son. His wings spread out beside himself revealing his one and only weakness.

The nest peeked out of their homes and into the main cavern to see what all the fuss was about. Whiteout looked on in horror. If the king would do this to his own son... what would he do to her for letting him in? Her belly was filled with uncertainty, and anxiety began to take over as a slight panic edged its way into her heart.

The White Nightfury: Toothless x LightfuryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora