036. Memory Lane Home Movies

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Suddenly the TV screen came on and Gemini's computer screen appeared. The group looked confused at the screen.

"What is that?" Bruce asked, looking around the room. "Where did it come from?" 

Gemini raised her hand. "It's my game."

"Oh my God, is that Steve?" Natasha laughed, pointing at the patriot-looking sim. She nodded. "That's amazing."

The group gathered on the seats looking at the screen in amazement. "I had to make two households cause the maximum is eight so I did guys in one, girls in the other." Gemini explained clicking on the Tony sim.

He looked between the screen and Gemini shocked. "How- What- Who?" He couldn't comprehend.

"You like?" She asked innocently.

He hugged her shoulders. "Me love." She laughed. 

She continued to show the other sims, making Thor very happy that his was shirtless. "You see mortals, Gemini understands that my lookalike should look godly like me." She looked to Bucky, rolling her eyes.

Suddenly a voice caught her attention. "My dearest sister, how are we on this fine..." He looked to his watch. "Afternoon?" 

She waved to Nate who was shortly followed by the other five. "Do you guys go anywhere without each other?" Sam asked.

"No." They all replied, simultaneously.

"So what did you find?" Gemini changed the subject quickly, noticing the many boxes that the group of six held. 

"Oh, you're gonna love this." Toni spoke up, dropping her box on the coffee table.

"So we were cleaning out a closet cause you know what your sister's like with her shopping addiction." Toni glared at Nate. "We found all these boxes of stuff. Quick question, do you have a VHS player?" 

"Oh God." Gemini realised looking to Joe for assistance. "They didn't."

"They did." He replied. 

Opening the oldest looking box, Nate blew the dust off the tape before placing it in the player.

"Now this will probably begin to explain how crazy we actually are." He warned beforehand as the tape began to play. Gemini closed her computer, her attention focusing on the screen as it began.

"Katie, darling how do I use this thing?" The voice spoke. Gemini's breath caught in her throat at the voice she hadn't heard since she was eighteen.

"You're useless with tech aren't you Armino?" Her mother's voice replied as she turned the camera. "There."

"Thank you love." Her father kissed his wife on the cheek. "Hello, little Antoinette. You're probably gonna grow to hate that name when you're older but oh well. We've decided that we're gonna make this videos for up until you're born and then also some other stuff. I hope when you're older you'll watch these, maybe with some friends, hell, maybe with some siblings." He introduced.

"Not in hells chance." Her mother called off screen. Nate and Gemini looked at each other.

"Well that's a bold faced lie." Taury spoke up, making Nate laugh. Gemini didn't though, instead she became completely still, her eyes glued on the screen as she watched a much younger version of her father spoke on the screen, showing the video around their first apartment.

"We just want you to know, Antoinette. Hell, that's gonna get annoying to say. Babe? Can we nickname her?" Armino Braddock called out to his wife.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" Katelyn asked him.

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