👹Episode Three👹

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       13th September 2018

Diana's birthday had passed, but Margaret had not given the devil his sacrifice. She planned to send Diana to a boarding school, hoping that she'll be safe there.

'What can he do. He is powerless.' she thought.

Margaret had had different encounters with the devil, and they've not been good.

“You this woman, you are trying me. Because I have not shown you my true colours, you have three days to give me my sacrifice. If not, your life will become a living hell.” The voice rumbled and disappeared.

Margaret flinched, but she remained firm.
'I can't let his words get to me. Nothing will happen to my daughter.' She thought.

         16th September 2018

Margaret sat in the living room, waiting for her husband and her daughter, who was to arrive that afternoon. She was starting to get worried.

' I hope nothing has happened to my husband .' She thought.

Her phone rang, drawing her attention.
“Hello, who am I speaking with?” she asked.

“Is this, Margaret Uwakwe, Mr Uwakwe's wife?”

“Yes, do you have any issue with me?”

“No. I'm a doctor at the Royal Hospital. I called to inform you that your husband and your daughter were involved in an accident and he is in a critical stage. Your presence is needed as soon as possible.” 

The phone fell from Margaret's hands, and she started crying.

Ewooo! My Marcus.” She wailed and rolled on the ground.

“Madam, what's wrong?” Amaka asked. She heard someone sobbing, so she decided to check what was going on.

“Hospital! Get me my car keys. I'm going to the hospital.” Margaret said and stood up.

Throughout the drive to the hospital, she was crying,  her heart was beating fast, and her hands were shaking.

'Marcus must not die. Diana must not die.' She chanted.

On getting to the hospital, she ran into the doctor's office and held the doctor by his garment.

“Where are my husband and my daughter! Doctor, where is my husband! I need to see them. ” She yelled.

“Were sorry ma, we lost them.” the doctor admitted.

On hearing those words, Margaret collapsed to the ground and started sobbing.

Then she remembered what the devil told her.
' I shouldn't have to that extent to get a child.' She thought, but it was too late.

Abruptly, the whole hospital became dark, and every other person except Margaret became stationary.

The devil had arrived.

“It is time.” Came a deep voice from underneath the hood of a black cloak.

“ Since you decided to disobey,  I have come for my final payment. ” The voice rumbled.

“What else do you want from me. You this devil. You've collected all I have. What do you want?” Margaret yelled.
“I want your sanity. And I will get it.” the voice said and disappeared.

Immediately the voice disappeared, everything became normal, but Margaret was already insane.

She stood up and danced to the reception.
“ I have a story. Hehe. I have a story.” she sang.
“There once was a barren woman...” she narrated her story to the people in the hospital and ran out, dancing crazily.

Alas, she already went mad.

“What a life!”
“Human beings are wicked!”
“She deserves the madness.”

Those were the reactions of different people.

As the saying goes, 'Whatever the devil gifts, he shall collect in ten folds.'

                   The end

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