Age 13. The #1 fan

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Ling had been absolutely right, for early the next morning, we received the visit of the third prince and his entourage.

"Shen Mu!" The prince shouted as soon as he spotted me coming out of the house.

"Good morning Prince Heng Li" I bowed to him, but he ignored it and instead came to hug me. I blinked in surprise, but then felt him trying to crush me. Certainly, the exercises I had taught him over the years had helped his constitution.

"Good morning, your highness" my parents chorused from my side, and the boy finally let me go, inclining his head briefly.

"Aunt, Uncle Shen, it's good to see you too." He looked back at me and then to someone behind me. His mouth went slack.

"Go-good morning, your highness" My sister stuttered.

'So that's how it is?'

I gazed critically at Heng and Zhi, and after a moment hit the back of the Prince's head to snap him out of his daze. "Stop drooling over my sister"

Everyone around us was scandalized. All but the prince, who grimaced and sent me a reproachful look. He composed himself after a moment and offered my sister a gallant bow "Good morning Shen Zhi, it is truly a pleasure to see you again."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Are you two finished doing lovey-dovey eyes at each other?"

Both flushed deep crimson and I chuckled.

Unfortunately, our fun was intruded, when a man grabbed me by the ear and began screaming in my face.

"How dare you touch the prince! I'll-"

"Mo Chen!" The prince glared at him indignantly "release him this instant!"

"Bu-but prince, he-"

The man known as Mo Chen sent a venomous glare at me, while I simply stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Even his pinching of my ear didn't hurt much.

"Mo Chen!" the Prince glared daggers at him "you're embarrassing me!"

Only then did the man release my ear and kowtowed to the prince. "Forgive this subject, my prince!"

"Forgive you!?" the prince bellowed, glaring at the kneeling man. "Captain" he called the captain of his guard, who came forward "take this man away. 100 flogs and I do not want to see him in the palace ever again."

"As your majesty wishes." Two guards came forward and dragged the sniveling man away.

Still embarrassed, the Prince placed an arm over my shoulders. "Hear me everyone!"

Everyone in the mansion but me, bowed to the prince and heard his words in rapt attention.

"I hereby declare that this Shen Mu is my esteemed older brother. Anyone who disrespects him, disrespects the imperial family. Do I make myself clear?" I stared at him as if he were crazy, but nobody noticed.

"Yes, your highness!" Everyone bowed formally, and I could see my mother holding in her tears, while my father was failing to hide a smile.

The prince asked everyone to raise their heads and we went on our day normally. Well, as normal as it could with everyone bowing to me as if I was a prince. Eventually, we went out to see the city Heng Li and I were accompanied by my sister, her maid and a dozen guards.

I looked at the people around us and how they craned their necks to look at us and I suddenly felt tired.

My sister was ecstatic, walking alongside us, holding my arm in hers. But the way she was eyeing the prince, I knew she would have preferred to cling to him.

Rebirth and Reincarnation 1st ArcWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt