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Rebirth and Reincarnation are, in essence, the same thing, but with a key difference: choice.

In Rebirth, a soul's next life is determined by its Karma; whereas in reincarnation, the soul can decide where and to whom it will be born. This happens because the more advanced a soul is, the more specific learning experiences it requires so, in a sense, we all go from rebirth to reincarnation over time.

But what we sometimes forget, is that time is not linear for the universe.

That was what I discovered when I opened my eyes after being killed by a new disease.

I remember a feeling like floating on the sea, there was a strong light coming from above, but I somehow knew that it wasn't the sun. It was warm, but not excessively so... it was more like, comforting.

I could feel the heat and the movement of the water under me, yet I could not open my eyes, nor did I hear anything.

Then, as sudden as it appeared, the warm light was replaced by darkness, and the next thing I knew, I was screaming with pain and surprise.

Strong hands covered my back and legs before a cloth was carefully wrapped around my body.

'What is this? Where am I? What is going on?'

I desperately wanted to open my eyes to find my answers, but as soon as I tried, something distracted me: singing.

I didn't understand the words at all, but I knew that whoever was singing was incredibly happy.

'Ah, this song is so comforting... her voice is marvelous. I wonder who is singing?'

I was so immersed in the beautiful sound, that I completely forgot everything else and just drifted off to sleep.

Rebirth and Reincarnation 1st ArcTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang