MTMTE!Nickel x Human!reader

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The past few days had been rough, as all you were doing was filling out reports and helping the DJD clean after their executions. It was exhausting for your small body.

But Tarn didn't seem to care, as he kept being disappointed whenever he would evaluate you. You always tried to own up to it as you wanted to be useful. The DJD did get you out of a bad position after all.

Today was just another one of those stressful days were you just ran from place to place, filling datapads in your freetime. You didn't eat or rest whenever something like this happened.

It had gone on for a few days now, but you refused to tell the others as you didn't see it as important as to keep the others happy. One 'bot did notice on their own though. Nickel, the DJDs medic.

Of course she would notice. She was a medic after all, and something like stress and exhaustion should be easy to see in any species, no matter how mechanical it is.

She hadn't interfered for the past few days as it wasn't too bad in the start. Also she wanted to see if you could push through it on your own, but from it looked you wouldn't be able to break through once you get the chance. So today, she decided to step in.

You were currently in Tarns office, filling out the last datapad for the day. All you had to do with this one was filling out what the others were saying about the mission.

It let you quickly get done, and out of the office. You were hurrying to get out and back to your room, so that you could fill out some of your own datapads before you had to meet with Kaon and The Pet, though you wasn't sure what they wanted.

You didn't get far as Nickel was standing right in front of the door, making you smack face first into her abdomen. "Oh! There you are. I wanted to talk to you." You wanted to sigh in annoyance, to scream that you didn't have time. But instead you smiled softly, hoping that the medic wouldn't notice the bags under your eyes.

"Sure. I don't have a lot of time, but I'll see what I can do." "Great. We can just talk while we walk. I know that it's lunch time for you, and that you need to get to your room." You walked before Nickel as she set her pace to match yours.

It was already lunch time. If Nickel hadn't told you, you would definitely have forgotten it. Though you're pretty sure that you wouldn't find time to actually eat anything.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" You turned your head to look at her, the soft smile still on your lips. You quickly noticed that the smile that Nickel had before was now gone.

Instead, a stern frown was adorning her pretty face. "I mostly just wanted to know how you're doing." You were slightly taken aback, as none of the DJD had even asked you once how you were doing.

"Oh, I'm doing fine. Doing work as always-" You were abruptly shoved into an empty room on the ship, Nickel blocking the door out of the room. "Please don't lie to me."

You wanted to curse at her at first, at least until you looked up at her sad and worried expression. "I-" "Don't lie to me. I can see that you haven't gotten the nutrients that you need. I can see that you haven't slept the amount that you need."

You widened your eyes. Was it really that obvious that you were neglecting your own health to do work? "I've been studying more about humans, as I need to keep you safe since you're part of the crew, and I am the medic."

You looked down at the floor, shame filling your entire body. Nickel didn't say anymore as she came closer, pulling your body close to her own. Tears filled your eyes as a sob racked through your throat.

You began crying heavily, letting everything out, all at once. It was all you could do, and it was enough. Nickel didn't leave your side, not even after you passed out in her arms, your exhaustion finally catching up to you.

Nickel carried you back to your room, in her arms. She put you gently onto your bed, quickly calling Tarn. "Hey, Tarn?" "Nickel? Yes?" "Our human is gonna take a break for a while." "Thank you Nickel."

Nickel smiled, glad to hear in Tarns voice, that he was grateful about you finally taking some time off. Nickel hung up before laying down in your bed beside you, gliding her servo, gently through your hair.

On the other side of the ship, Kaon was waiting for you with The Pet, hoping to put you to sleep himself, though after a while he called Tarn asking if he knew where you were. After he was told he got a slight grudge on Nickel, pissed that she got to you before he could.

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