Immortal Human Reader (Mtmte cast) Part 1 out of 2

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Warnings: Highly described burglary, talk of prison stay, talk of death sentence, talk of death, talk of torture, bit of gore, therapy, implied trauma, trauma, talk of bullying, long chapter

Summary: What if the reader is an immortal human but with a bit of a twist?

Words: 2180

::: Forest :::

One hit and the other guy was out. An easy escape as well. You ran deeper into the forest, the police force hot on your tail. You weren't ready to go back to the prison. You were innocent but no one would believe you.

Instead they had locked you up in solitary confinement so that you couldn't hurt anyone else. You would have loved it if they had been treating you right. Instead they had been trying to get you on death's row, of course, unsuccessfully. 

They had even tried to starve you which had ended badly as well. So many guards and paramedics were dead because none of them would understand. Instead they kept trying to kill you.

But now you were free. Now you had the chance to run away and start over. Though it wouldn't be easy since you were pretty well known all around the world. Perhaps if you could get off world? You had heard about these giant aliens coming and going on and off Earth.

Perhaps if you could stow away in one of their ships? It was the best of plans you had at the moment. But back to the chase you had hidden yourself in a hollow tree, letting the police pass, their dogs not able to pick up your stench thanks to the scents of the forest.

You stayed in the hollow of the tree for days, waiting until you knew the police wouldn't look in that area. When you were sure you finally got out of the tree, walking towards the closest town. You hurried over to your old house where you got to one of the windows.

The window at your bedroom was open, where you could see a new couple had moved in. You knew that this was a bad idea, but you didn't know what else to do, so you cracked the window up. It was a subtle creak that luckily didn't wake the two people in the bed. 

You got in quietly before hurrying over to the door, opening it quietly before walking into the hallway. You knew the rooms, where the kitchen, pantry and useful rooms where. So you walked over to the kitchen seeing a bag on it.

You knew that the family had kids but you figured they could live without a bit of money so you took the purse from the bag. There was some cash inside that you could take, leaving the cards behind since they could be shut down and such. 

Cold hard cash was what you needed. You raked through the bag for anything useful. Nothing. You held onto the cash before moving onto one of the other rooms. The kids room. You didn't want to intrude too much, knowing it was wrong. Instead you just took the backpack near the door before hurrying out. 

You pulled out the needless stuff, letting the pencil case and thinks like that stay in there. You put the cash inside of it as well. You looked over at the jackets on a row, taking a single sweatshirt, putting it inside of the backpack.

You hurried over to the pantry, taking some of the long lasting food, and two water bottles the family had stored. You walked to the basement, using a flashlight you had found to look around for anything useful. 

You took some things, like rope, a pair of work gloves, a beanie, and one or two books. You hurried upstairs, looking around every corner to make sure that no one of the family had decided to go do anything at night. 

When no noise was made, you walked back into the adult bedroom, looking through their closet, finding some clothes you could use. Instead of putting them on you put them into the backpack.

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