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It had been almost a month since you had arrived back from the trip and your arm was almost fully healed, Colby was making sure of that. The brunette had been so attentive, cleaning and bandaging your wound, as well as providing you with pain killer and healthy meals so your body had enough energy to heal properly.

You were in your room, humming a song you once heard Colby sing in the shower a long time ago. Sat at your desk, you looked in the mirror and smiled as you curled your hair. Tonight was a date night. Colby had set something up but you didn't know what or where, all you knew was Colby had been working hard and he was so excited about it.

When you were finished getting ready, you stood up and walked over to the full body mirror to make sure everything was in place. You hadn't got a bandage on your arm, due to the wound being healed but the only thing was, it left an ugly scar. A frown worked its way onto your face as you felt the scar was ruining you glamoured look. Huffing, you grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around the scar to hide it. 'I could just say it's still sensitive and it hurts so I wrapped it up to protect it.' You thought to yourself. 

After that thought, you grabbed your little bag and place it over your head and onto your shoulder before you walked out. Everyone in the house had gone out on date nights as well or had gone out with friends to drink.

Walking down the stairs, you perked as you heard shouting from the kitchen.

"Jake.. you drunk. You need to calm-" Colby started, sounding cautious before he was interrupted by Jake.

"Fuck you! Don't fucking tell me what to do bitch! Just because you won the whore, doesn't mean you get to boss me around!" He yelled, clearly too intoxicated for his own good.

"Don't you dare use that word about Y/n!" Colby snapped, getting defensive over you. You didn't like how heated this was starting to get so you ran towards the kitchen. "Jake.. I just want to help you. Why won't you let-" Colby started. As you ran through the doorway, Jake had grabbed a knife from the work surface and had plunged it into Colby's abdomen.

"Colby!" You screamed in shock as Jake pulled the knife out and dropped it. "What have you done?" You screamed at Jake as you grabbed Colby before he collapsed against you. Jake was emotionless before he ran off. you knelt down, holding Colby in your arms as you called 911. Blood was gushing out before you applied pressure, trying to stop the bleeding as you looked at Colby through your overwhelming tears.

(It's sad to say but this took hours to write to to writers block.. Sorry fro the wait.. I feel like I'm letting down everyone who reads this)

Word count: 500

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