13 + (⚠️Important Authors Note⚠️)

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"Where have you two been?" Devyn asked in a friendly tone as soon as she saw you two walking into camp. She looked down at your hand that was locked with Colby's. Her face seemed to light up as she realised. "Oh my god... you two... are you?" She asked, lost for words as she pointed at you and Colby, which got the rest of the roommates attentions. Colby snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him protectively.

"Together? Yes." He smiled as you looked down and blushed, you were smiling too.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Devyn squealed as she jumped up and hugged both of you.

"The fuck?!" Jake screamed angrily as he stood up. "Why the fuck do you have her?!" Jake screamed as he stormed towards you. Devyn walked away as you backed up, fear filling your body.

"Back off Jake." Colby growled as he stood in between you and Jake to protect you.

"So Brennen, Elton And I weren't aloud to be in the same goddamn room as her but you were allowed to fuck her?!" He shouted as he got in Colby's face. You flinched at Jake's voice as you grabbed Colby's shirt.

"Watch what you say, Jake." Colby growled protectively.

"Why? Did I hurt your bitch's feelings?" Jake snarled which made Colby snap. Colby fist made contact with Jake's face, making Jake fall to the floor and you squeaked. A groan left Jake's mouth as he tried to sit up but Colby jumped on top of him and pinned him to the ground before he repeatedly hit Jake.

"Colby stop! That's enough!" You squealed as you pulled the infuriated Colby off of Jake. Colby hugged you. He could take insults about himself but not about you.

"Fuck you bitch boy." Jake groaned as he stood up. "You're her little bitch." He chuckled to himself, choking on his own blood. "She has you wrapped around her finger. Be a good boy and sit." Jake mocked which made Colby angry again. He launched at Jake again but you held him back.

"Colby, that's enough. Don't let him get in your head." You whispered. Your voice seemed to calm Colby down. Your grip tightened on his hand as you caressed his cheek. He leaned into your touch as he closed his eyes, making everyone but Jake and Brennen aw. Devyn breaks the peace silence when she claps her hands together which makes everyone look at her.

"I know you guys just came back from the waterfall but it's a beautiful day and I think everyone could benefit from a swim so we can all cool down." Devyn suggested which everyone agreed to, even Jake.

(⚠️PLEASE READ⚠️: Im taking a break from this and all my other fan fictions since I have lost inspiration and I don't want to force myself to write and then have the book turn out terrible. This book will be on hold until further notice. I hope you understand that I'm putting my mental health, work, school work and my life in general first. I'll probably start writing again when Sam and Colby come back since they inspire me. I will still use this account for reading/voting and talking to people so if you feel down or need a friend, you are welcome to contact me. I will be back and as Sam said, goodbyes are not forever.)

Word count: 571

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