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All the way to the waterfall, Colby had his arm protectively wrapped around you waist. Everyone was looking at you and Colby but in the moment, you didn't care. The whole world seemed to fade away when you were with Colby. Nothing else mattered, nothing else existed in the moment, except for you and him. "Y/n?" Colby asked sweetly, snapping you out of you thoughts.

"Yeah Colbs?" You respond as you look up at him. The nickname made him chuckle and smile which made a smile grow on your face too.

"Well, I've been wanting to say this for a long time and that we're together, I finally can." Colby smiled. You were both still walking to the waterfall but you were a bit behind the rest of the group.

"And what's that?" You asked lovingly with curiosity written all over your face. He stopped you and turned you to face him before he gently held both of your hands. His beautiful blue eyes seemed to shimmer in the late afternoon sunlight.

"I love you." He whispered sweetly as he leaned in, with pure love in his eyes.

"I love you too." You whispered back with a little giggle when his lips were only a centimetre away from your own. A cute, little smile made its way onto his lips as he looked into your eyes with lust and love.

"I'm very glad to hear that." He whisper giggled before you both closed you eyes and he closed the gap between you. The kiss was slow and full of love until Jake walked up.

"God! You're like two horny teenagers! Get a goddamn room!" He grumbled angrily, like an old man as he walked by. Yours and Colby's lips parted as both of you started to giggle. "You two are unbearable." He huffed as he walked away.

"He needs to pull that stick out of his ass." Colby whisper giggled to you, which made you snicker.

Finally all of you reach the waterfall and your arm felt like it was burning but you didn't tell anyone because you were afraid to ruin the whole trip for everyone. Colby was holding your hand, gently swaying them as he smiled at you. Suddenly Colby got an idea. "Come on y/n! Lets dive off of the top of the waterfall!" He giggled, dragging you up before you even had chance to argue back. Jake and Brennen followed you to the top. Dizziness was all you felt as you looked down at Corey, Devyn, Kat and Sam in the pool below.

"You first dude!" Brennen squealed at Colby which made him chuckle. Colby shrugged, giving Jake and Brennen a false sense of security.

"Okay. I'm gonna do a run up!" Colby giggled as he walked away so he could run up and jump, although that was not what he intended to do. He ran up and pushed Jake and Brennen off of the cliff. They both screamed as they fell and made a massive splash in the pool below. Laughs erupted from your lips as Colby comedically bowed. He walked over to you, pulling you closer by you hips. "See you at the bottom babe." He whispered before he kiss your nose, making a blush flood your face.

Not a minute later, Colby jumped off and cannonballed into the pool below. A massive wave, that Colby caused, washed over Brennen and Jake, making them squeal in shock. As Colby resurfaced, they quickly attacked him in a friendly way, like how siblings wrestle each other. The pain from you arm suddenly got worse until you passed out, falling off the waterfall. You landed in the pool below but hit your head on the bottom of the pool, instantly knocking you out. Colby heard the splash you made and turned around so he could see you reemerge. However, when you didn't reemerge after almost a minute, dread instantly filled his body and his goofy smile dropped. "Y/n?" He called out, getting the rest of the group's attention. "Y/n!" He screamed getting more worried, if that was even possible.

"She hasn't come up yet?" Corey asked.

"No!" Colby shouted as he looked around. "Shit! Y/n!" Colby shouted as he saw you motionless underwater. Without any hesitation, he swam under, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you back up to the surface. Wet hair covered your face as Colby dragged you out onto the bank. "Y/n? Baby wake up." Colby cried as he checked to see if you were breathing.

"Is she breathing?" Corey asked as he knelt down beside you.

"No, she's not!" Colby cried before Corey started chest compressions on you. After a while, water came out of your mouth followed by multiple panicked coughs.

"Get her on her side!" Corey instructed before they all helped by rolling you onto your side. Soon, you breathing started to become less panicky and Colby rubbed your back.

"Baby, can you sit up?" Colby asked in a soft voice and you nodded in response. Colby placed his hand behind your back as you slowly sat up. You leaned on him since you felt extremely dizzy from hitting your head on the bottom of the natural pool. Sam and Devyn wrapped you in towels as Colby held you close. "What happened?" Colby asked.

"M-my arm." You managed to stutter out, confusing everyone.

"Your arm? The one Jake bit?" Colby asked, making you nod. "Can I look at it?" He asked with a concerned look in his eyes which made you hesitantly nod. Colby gently grabbed your arm and slowly pulled it towards him before he removed to bandages. "Shit, it's infected." He whispered. "Devyn, call Dr.LinGuard. Let's get home, now." Colby instructed in a very deep, alpha voice as he carefully scooped you up.

(An update?! I actually updated? What? XD I'll try to update again as soon as possible)

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