The Dance

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Tamaki (Over text)- Good morning Haruhi!! Who are you going to the dance with?

Haruhi (Over text)- Myself UwU

Tamaki (Over text)- Ok then

Haruhi (Over text)- See you later.

*At the club*

Tamaki- *stares at haruhi*

Haruhi- Take a picture, it'll last longer senpai

Tamaki- WwW

Hikaru and Kaoru- *laughs*

Kyoya- Leave him alone boys.

Hikaru and Kaoru: NeVeR

Honey- We should get ready for the dance Tama-Chan!

Tamaki- Great idea!

*Everyone goes off to get ready*

Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru- *looks at haruhi* Y-you look great Haruhi-

Haruhi- oh uh.. Thanks -//-

*At the dance*

*Everyone is just hanging out*

Tamaki- Ladies i'm just gonna go over here for a minute, excuse me ;)

Kyoya- I hope you ladies are having a good time.

Haruhi- *drinks fruit punch*

Hikaru and Kaoru- we have margaritas if you want some haruhi ;)

Haruhi- Heh no thanks-

Kaoru- You sure?

Hikaru- You can have a sip of mine if you want ;)

Tamaki- She said no-

Haruhi- thank you senpai-

Tamaki- Haruhi would you like to dance?

Haruhi- Sure-

*They dance*

*Both are blushing by the end*


Tamaki- n-no problem...

*They start to walk separate ways*

Tamaki- Haruhi! Wait!

*Tamaki turns around and trips*

(Slo-mo here lol)

*They land on each other and do the smooch*

Haruhi- *blushes* S-senpai..


Tamaki- *Gets up* I-i'm so sorry WwW

Haruhi- I-It's fine *nervous laugh*

*They both get up and start laughing*

Girls: *fangirl screaming* ThEy KiSsEd

Haruhi- *Quietly* Oh hey-

Tamaki- Yeah?

Haruhi- My answer is yes.

*Tamaki faints*

Haruhi- :o SeNpAi ArE yOu Ok?!

Kaoru & Hikaru- boss are you ok?!

Honey- i think he died *eats cake*

*end of episode*

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