Sixth Chapter: "Back" to Karakura

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During a meeting of the Espadas, Aizen, their leader, had proposed a more than bizarre idea "What if Ichigo, Grimmjow and Shiro went back to Karakura to spy on the Shinigamis? Of course, you will be in a Gigai with a supressor of reiatsu comma that we will not be able to find your reiarsu hollow and of course Shiro will accompany you if it can materialize in a Gigai. How do you say?" Obviously at this announcement the number 0 and 6 looked in the eye and then Shiro appeared to say that he agreed as long as he stayed with his King "We see no disadvantage Aizen but ya sure? There're not dumb at least I hope ... Do you have any idea if they catch us?" Asked Ichigo, looking at him skeptically "Well... We could be like I'm erased from your memory and abandoned to your fate in the real world, of course if Urahara finds you and puts you in spiritual shape and they find that you've become an Arrancar and the No.0 over the market, I'm sure he will help you and besides since you will have the memory 'erase', it will be easier for you to reintegrate, of course you're going to lose. I think you're going to high school first, don't you? Well, why not go back undercover just to regain trust?" "It's Grimm's turn to speak, "Ok? And then what else? And if they see us in Arrancars, they will kill us." He says in an angry tone, "That's right. But since you've 'lost' your memory, they can potentially integrate you into the Soul Society, plus Yamamoto knows full well that 2 Vastos Lordes are much more powerful than the 13 captains put together. Why deprive yourself of two unfortunate Vastos Lordes who have lost their memory and who have been thrown from Hueco Mundo, it would be a shame not to use them. Don't you think?" Of course, Aizen was smart. A little break. "Okay, but what about the cash cow?" Asked Shiro "Ah yes... She... Let me think... All right. We're keeping her here and if we don't ask you where she is. If so, you won't know, remember, memory loss." "Okay Sherlock, but how do I get an explanation? they never saw me." Ichigo was getting impatient "Shiro, we'll improvise, we'll get ready." "Okay... Whatever you want King..." to these words Ichigo opened a Garganta but before entering he turned "Aizen, make us lose consciousness and let us fall from the Garganta. Come on, it'll be more believable." "Good idea." The three began to have the vision blur "Let's... start..." Black hole. The plan is in place. Suddenly... A kind of explosion is felt


Urahara's POV

It's been more than a month since Kurosaki-san disappeared (he doesn't know about it eh) and a week since Orihime-san's. I lounge in my store when I look out one of the windows, a Garganta was open. And three reiatsu including two that I recognized but the third... how to say... Looks like a copy of the first "Kurosaki... san, Grimmjow... san" When the gate closed, three entities fell into it causing a huge explosion. I hurry to go there when I see two Kurosaki-san, one, the original I think because he has orange but long hair and the second, white skin and white hair just as long and Grimmjow-san, unconscious but I know they are alive, I approach Kurosaki-san and I see a little to the left of his neck a number 0. "Aizen had recruited him ...?" I think I'm going to have to call Tessai to help me... I'll call him. "Tessai-san, I need you immediately, I just found Kurosaki-san, his twin and Grimmjow-san who have just fallen from a Garganta, unconscious and Kurasaki-san wears the number 0, which means he joined Aizen. Please help me take care of them and hide them, I have a bad feeling with the usual group of Kurosaki-san" I say in a somewhat worried voice "How's that Urahara-san?" "Well, Ishida-san came recently for news of Orihime-san and not for Kurosaki-san, who, is missing for a long time than her. I also asked him if he wasn't worried about him, but he told me that it wasn't his problem when normally and he's worried..." "I'm coming." I'm going to hang up. Sigh What did he put himself in... 5 minutes later, I hear Tessai was coming "Wow, so you're not kidding about twin... Let's move on, I'm going to wear them."

Arriving at the store, we cared for them and we were waiting for them to wake up.

3rd Person

Ichigo was the first to wake up. Looking around, he sees Urahara looking at him with joy because he had just woken up. The plan. He thought... I said, "Who are You...? Where am I...?" he asked. "Oh... It seems to me that you have lost your memory... I'm Urahara and you're in my store. Welcome," he said with a smile. Ichigo looked next to him and saw Grimmjow and Shiro "Grimmjow! Shiro!" "Don't worry, they're fine. Can you tell me who Shiro is?" "That's my double." "Oh, so still remember 'bout Shinigami's stuff." "Well... yeah." he replied in a cold tone. "Oh, I see... Look who's waking up." by pointing to Grimmjow and Shiro "Ichigo, are you okay? Who's him?" Asked Grimm. "Yo King... Where are we" Oh... So, all three of them lost their memories but they remember them.... Here Kurasaki-san and Grimmjow-san are in a relationship... thought the man in a strange hat when he tried to think about why when he saw the two kissing. "Good... I think you're going to have to go back to class for now... I'll lend you a Gigai. On the other hand, I would ask you not to arouse suspicion. Especially you Kurasaki-san since you joined Aizen, of course I'm not an enemy and I'll even help you 'cause I think I have a little idea of why you disappeared and that you're with Aizen and for Orihime-san has disappeared too... Well you start tomorrow!"

The next day.

"You came back Kurasaki, good news! You're hair grow's up! Anyways, I see that you brought back your twin brother and..." A short pause from the teacher who looks down to see that Ichigo and Grimm's hands were holding. Little smile in the corner. "... your boyfriend, congratulations! Well wait for me there for me to inform the class." She enters the class "Ok we sit down, today we 3 new students including a returner! come in and introduce yourself." Ishida's eyes were widening when he saw the band he recognized. "I'm Ichigo Kurosaki but you already knew me." his attitude had changed, his tone and his look even colder than usual. "Grimmjow Jaggerjack." a little pretentious thought some of the class. "Shiro, King's brother." " Who's King" asked Keigo. "Are you a jerk or something? Can't you see the resemblance?" replied Shiro, aggressively. "Shiro." Said Ichigo with a cold voice. "Sorry..." "Are you Ichigo's brother?! Now that you say it, you look like him. "Obviously, dumbass that they look alike otherwise they wouldn't be twins." Mizuiro made the remark. I said, "Okay. You're going to sit there." Say the teacher pointing to Ishida's direction. "By the way, Ichigo has lost his memory so don't rush him." Ishida, meanwhile, fix with a black look Ichigo. When the three go to sit down, they gave a black look that said stop or you will regret in response to Ishida's. The places are: Ichigo between Grimmjow and Shiro a table behind that of the four eyes.

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