A Little Worrying

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Hanta sat down in the booth at the cafe, noting Denki's discomfort with their current location.

" What's wrong?" Hanta asked in a worried tone, they have came in the first place to deal with the pikachu's stress, not to make it grow.

" You didn't tell me we were going here."

" What's wrong with here?" Hanta studied the small cafe, the nice smell coming from the back, the fast waitress that that was serving and taking orders at the same time. The relaxing atmosphere.

" This is Eijiro's restaurant... " The realization hit Hanta. Was... Eijiro the cause of Denki's stress?

" Calm down. Let's just talk about what you're dealing with." Denki sighed as he propped his head on his hands.

" I don't know where to start, Hanta."

" Start where you feel comfortable." Denki now slammed his head on the table, running his hands through his hair viciously messing up the hair-do -- that Hanta knew from many sleepovers that Denki works on so hard to make -- up.

" It's just frustrating."

" What's frustrating?" Hanta knew that asking a bunch of questions were weird and annoying, but if he wanted to understand his best friend's situation then it was a necessary procedure.

" That Eijiro and Mina are totally mad at me! It's not like I can say anything though... "

" Why not? I mean, they are your childhood friends, right?" Her let out another frustrated grunt, tired of people not understanding, at least, that's what Hanta thinks.

" Yeah, but talking about why my family had to move closer the the hospital isn't exactly a easy subject!" Hanta knew that it wasn't, he knew if he was going through the same stuff as Denki then he wouldn't want to talk about it either. In fact, Hanta wouldn't even know anything if him and Denki's mom didn't have a doctor appointment on the same day.

" Speaking of the subject. How is your mom?"

" She's doing good, her doctor said that it's good enough where she doesn't have to be in the hospital 24/7, but she does have to have medical treatment every once a week." Hanta couldn't help but smile at that response. Hanta doesn't have a mom or a dad, he only has his lazy uncle, so Denki's mom was like step-in for Hanta's lame excuse of a guardian.

" Dude! That's awesome! Better then what I heard last time." Denki shrugged.

" It could always get worse... " Hanta leaned over the table and flicked him hard in the head.

" HEY! No need to be such a pessimist."

" Ow, that ducking hurt!"

" Ducking?"

" Yeah, you and Katsuki aren't gonna be family friendly, so someone has to be!" Hanta face palmed and started to laugh that contagious laughter he had. Soon enough, Denki started to laugh to.

" Oh, Denki! What am I gonna do with you!"

The unnatural yellow-haired boy got up and stretched. "I feel better, let's go!"

" Where?"

" I don't know, let our intuition guild us!"

As Eijiro entered the cafe, Eiko ran over to him more relived then Eijiro would have liked. "Thank God you're here!"

In the coffee shop {Kiribaku AU}Where stories live. Discover now