Meetings And Bitter Reunions

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(A/N: Just something I should say real quick so no one gets utterly confused, not all the people originally in class 1-A will be in this class 1-A, only because of what they decided to study. I will still have them involved in this story somehow. Anyways, on with the story.)

Denki Kaminari hated silence, but trying to figure out how to break the one that was laid before him would be quite the challenge, despite the negative and awkward tension between the 5 individuals, Denki decided that there is no harm in taking a crack at it. With an enthusiastic smile on his face, he sped up a little to catch up to Mina and Eijiro. It was clear that Eijiro was still upset by his lack of contact, but maybe Mina would look past that.

Hey Mina!" He said throwing an arm around her shoulder "How was your summer?"

She sighed, refusing to look Denki straight in the eye "It would have been better if you came to visit"

Denki slowly took his arm off of Mina's shoulder, a pout setting its place as an expression.

So she's holding a grudge too... ! Denki was suddenly caught up in his thought, as usual, his tendency to over think things taking control. He slowed down, Mina and Eijiro walking ahead of him, so caught in his thoughts that he didn't notice the staircase and nearly fell down the long flight of concrete stairs, he would have surly been dead if Hanta hadn't tugged his shirt and pulled him back.

" Be more careful." Hanta's worried tone broke through his surface. He looked up at the fairly taller man, Hanta was his best friend, the only one who knows what's going on in his life.

" Dude, are you alright?" When Denki focused on present reality again, they were outside, the school slowly getting bigger in front of them.

" Yeah, why do you ask?"

" You've been staring at me ever since I saved your distracted ass." Denki laughed, focusing on his sense of direction for once.

" I feel like its something we should talk about after class." Hanta nodded, totally understanding his best friends secret language.

" Maybe we could discuss this at that little café that I saw, not to far from here." They stopped walking as they reached the main lobby of the gigantic university.

" So this is where we part ways?" 

" Dude, we're going in the same elevator." Hanta smirked at Denki's comment.

" Well it would be hard to have our endearing moment trapped between a bunch of sweaty people, now would it?" They fist bumped and gave each other a quick pat on the back.

" Don't forget to send me the address." Hanta smiled back at him.

" I won't."

All that was left was Katsuki, Eijiro, and Denki. They had all been put into class 1-A, quite unbelievable the three thought, since they all had varied GPA ranges and their end-goal was different. Katsuki aimed to be a firefighter, just like his childhood idol, Toshinori Yagi. Eijiro aimed to be a doctor, more specifically an obstetrician. Denki was aiming to be a scientist, one that majored in meteorology. So why were they put into the same category? 

" This is it right here?" Eijiro asked, pointing to a large door with the label '1-A' on it.

" Well I would think so, shitty hair."

" SHITTY HAIR!?" As Denki laughed in the background, Eijiro patted his 'new' hair wildly, it's a style he decided to try on since it's his first time at a real school, and he liked it... That's all that mattered right?, he desperately searched for a comeback in his brain "Well in this form, my hair isn't that different from yours!"

Katsuki simply 'tch'ed and held the door open for the other two, threatening to close it on Denki for calling him a gentleman.

Eijiro was immediately overwhelmed by the sight and colors of a college classroom, not knowing where his eyes should look first, Denki was in the same place as his childhood friend, every bright color and shiny spot appealing to him. 

" Come on toddlers, " Katsuki chuckled, sitting at the front of the classroom, Denki and Eijiro eager to follow. They were the the only ones there it seemed, but that only lasted for about a few seconds. The door slammed opened and in entered the last person Katsuki wanted to see at the moment. Ochako Uraraka. They made eye contact and Katsuki snarled at her, as a response she flipped him off. Walking to one of the middle seats in the class a two more people entered behind her. Katsuki would recognize Izuku Midoriya anywhere, but a man with slick blue hair and a rich presence was unknown to him.

 " Do you know them, Kat?" Katsuki turned his head to see a smiling Eijiro.

 " Yeah, you can say that... And where did that nickname come from?"

The red-head started to get flustered, he flails his hands everywhere in embarrassment as he tried to explain. "Well you see, I thought about how you made a nickname for me, so I thought it was only fair that I did the same for you... !"

Katsuki shook his head and smirked, thanking no one in particular for Eijiro as a distraction from his exes.

 " Kacchan!" Katsuki silently cursed as the green-haired boy ran down the stairs to the spiked blonde's seat.

 " What do you want Deku... " 

 " No need to be so rude, Kacchan! I just wanted to say hello to you and Denki."

 " Then fucking say hello."

 " What's up Izuku" Denki greeted the other with a big smile. Izuku smirked at him before his eyes moved to the red-head. Eijiro gave a little wave before speaking.

" Hey!... Izuku, right?" He nodded, not used to being the first one greeted by one of Katsuki's friends.

 " Yeah, what's your name?"

 "Oh I'm-"

" None of your fucking business, Deku!" Katsuki didn't know why, but he suddenly felt extremely overprotective, not wanting to share Eijiro with anyone but people that he approved of.

 " Oh okay... " Said Izuku backing up, eyes still on Eijiro, who mouthed 'I'm sorry'. Izuku went back to his seat and things continued as normal, more people entering the class and sitting down until finally the teacher entered. He wore nothing but black, everything about him was black, Eijiro remembered seeing him in the cafe once.

" Welcome to U.A. University. " he said, and class started. Eijiro was excited for his first class, but he couldn't help but let his eyes wander over to Katsuki. What was the reason for his outburst towards Izuku.

Was he trying to protect him from something?

(A/N: I'm not very proud of this chapter, but it's good enough? Tell me what you guys think, and be honest! I have very tough skin. Thank you 😋😋😋)

Word count: 1154

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