Request: The Sisterzone (Reader!Hunter x Dean Winchester)

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Just then you felt hot steam enveloping you from behind. "Check what out first thing tomorrow morning?" You heard a voice say, Sam was done with his shower.

"Wendigo," Dean said in a matter of factly tone, straightening his posture and turning around to face his little brother.

"Possibly," you corrected, holding up a hand to cut Dean off from saying anything further. You did not want to confirm anything just yet, you still wanted Sam to look at the information as well.

"Yeah, whatever," he brushed you off. "Anyways, let's go out."

"What?" You and Sam both said at the same time, your eyes both filled with confusion. You glanced up at Dean and shook your head, "You just came from the bar with Sam!"

"Technically, I never made it inside," he said, shrugging. When you kept staring at him as though you wanted more elaboration, he added, "I kinda met someone who was on her way out, and so I never actually went in."

"Ugh," you made a noise of protest. "It's late." Also I'd much rather not see you try to pick up any other girls, thank you very much.

Sam walked by you to go to his bed, "She's right, I also want to get some sleep. Especially if we're working early tomorrow."

Dean was not convinced. "Yeah, well, if this really is a wendigo we're going after I don't know about you, but I'm going to need a couple of drinks. And some company." He pivoted and without warning pulled your chair backwards and away from the table, causing you to cry out in surprise.

"What are you doing!" You yelped, immediately jumping to your feet before losing your balance and falling off.

"Taking you with me," he said, and without hesitation he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the door.

You tried to break free but his grip was too strong, "Sam!" you yelled sharply, hoping he would help. As Dean dragged you to the door, you looked over your shoulder to see him already settled down in his bed with a stupid grin on his face.

"Don't be out too late now," he teased with a little laugh, waving at you.

"Oh, how dare--"

Dean cut you off before you could finish your sentence by shoving you out the door.


This bar was like any other bar that you and the brothers have visited on your roadtrip around America: small, filled with cigarette smoke, bikers, and scantily clad women. Not exactly your scene, but the upside to this one was that they actually had decent nachos. You and Dean took turns eating from the same plate, though at times it seemed as though you had to fight him for it.

"Stop stuffing your face like a pig," you said, laughing.

He grinned but did not ease up. Though initially you were reluctant to come along, a part of you was happy now that you did. You got to spend more time with him and that was always a good thing. He might not know how you feel, but you still liked to be around him. And so far he hadn't tried to hit on anyone yet, and no one tried to hit on him, so that was a bonus. Maybe tonight will be a good night after all, you said to yourself, hiding a smile.

Two plates of food and one conversation about Black Sabbath later, Dean was halfway through his third beer. He wasn't drunk and his attention was still on you and your current conversation, but you could tell his eyes were wandering. You inhaled deeply but kept your surging irritation to yourself.

"Right, but you can't possibly say that Metallica beats out AC--whoa," Dean cut himself off and his eyes were focused on something behind you. You gave him a quizzical look before turning yourself around in your seat to follow his gaze. 

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