Request: Self Reliance (Hunter!Reader x Dean Winchester)

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Written for MadnessIsReality, thank you for your request! This turned out to be way, way, waaay longer than I expected. I hope you like it, though, lol. Happy New Year!! :)

You had been hunting for several years now and you considered yourself to be pretty good at it, good enough to work solo. You never had any partners and never really wanted any. The stress from worrying over another person was not something you wanted to deal with. Taking care of yourself was already a hassle by itself. However, sometimes you questioned that philosophy...and now was one of those times.

I never would have seen this coming, it's not my fault. It's not my fault. You whispered this to yourself over and over again. I don't want to die though, ugh. Tied up and gagged, you were being held hostage in the basement of a small hotel you actually had a room in. You had come into town investigating a new case with the hopes of finding the culprit and leaving in only a couple of days, but that didn't exactly work out. What you thought was possibly a werewolf turned out to be something else, something you had less experience with: a shapeshifter. So you didn't see it coming when suddenly the sweet little bellhop turned into a total psycho and knocked you out.

I trusted you, you asshole, you mentally scowled. That happened a few hours ago, your head still hurt from the blow and you felt a little nauseated. There were no windows so you were sitting in the dark, though your eyes could somewhat adjust to your surroundings. You were placed in the corner furthest away from the stairs, blocked from sight by a few shelves. It seemed like no one really ever came down here. Just great, you thought bitterly, before scolding yourself again on how you could be so clueless. 

There was something else in the room with you that smelled oddly disgusting, but you couldn't pinpoint what it was. Blood perhaps? As you squinted your eyes to look around more, you noticed that there was something on the floor ahead of you. You tried to lean and scoot forward to get a better look. It looked like piles upon piles of... 

Is that human skin? You looked away. It would make sense, you told yourself. This must be where he discards some of his forms. Seeing how much there was, you could only imagine the amount of people he had killed. You didn't want to be part of that demographic. ...I refuse to die down here, in a basement of all places. I deserve better than this. 

You tried to see if there was anything sharp nearby that you could use to cut through the ropes that were tied around your wrists, but nothing was presenting itself as useful. You actually had a small silver knife tucked under your jeans by your ankle, and it annoyed you greatly that you couldn't reach for it despite it being literally on your personage. 

It would be great if I had a partner right about now, you laughed bitterly at your situation. Or at least you tried to. It was a little difficult to laugh with a piece of cloth in your mouth. Just as you were about to revert back to wallowing in self loathing and agitation, the door at the top of the stairs opened and light came flooding in. You heard something heavy get thrown down the stairs and into the basement. It landed with a thud.

"Tata," you heard a condescending voice say at the top of the stairs, it was that damn bellhop. "Now I'm just going to go get rid of that little brother of yours." The door closed and once again you were left in the dark. Who the hell was he talking to? You wondered. Is there someone else down here with me? You tried to make a noise, but it came out extremely muffled. It was dead silent as well, which made you somewhat uncomfortable. You decided to remain quiet for the time being, not sure if the other person posed a threat or not.

You didn't know how much time had passed when you heard groaning coming from across the room. You sat up, alert. There was some stirring and movement, you remained hushed the entire time.

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