Strawberry Cake (Reader!Civilian X Sam Winchester)

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You worked at a drug store in a busy outlet mall, trying to make ends meet for school and apartment bills. It wasn't the life you wanted and you were always tired, but you told yourself that the hardwork will pay off eventually.

"Your total comes out to $26.78," you said to the tall brunet who stood before you. As he reached into his pocket for his wallet, you bagged away his purchases: a ton of beer, a couple porn magazines, and...sharpies. Okay.

"Here you go," he handed you some cash. "Gotta love em, huh?"​ he asked, referring to the porn magazines with a grin.

You ignored his comment but gave him a small smile, not wanting to make things too awkward. As you calculated his change another person walked over to the check out counter.

"Look, there's something suspicious about the..." he leaned in and whispered something to your current customer. He was also tall, taller actually, with longer brown hair that curled around his ears. You looked up from the change you held in you hand and accidentally made eye contact with him as he finished what he was saying. His mouth twitched a hesitantly awkward smile before he took a step back and sped out of the store.

Okay...? you thought to yourself. These two were officially weird. You thanked the guy in front of you and handed him his bag, he winked before walking out.

You worked long hours practically every day, occasionally holding graveyard shifts. It didn't take you long to notice how often those two actually stopped by. You haven't seen them before that one time, so you assumed they were either new to the area or visiting. Lately there had been an influx of tourists, but these two didn't seem like tourists.

The taller one in particular peaked your interest. Yes, you thought he was cute and more tolerable than the other. The other guy was a bit don't know, the typical player guy type? How did they even know each other? Were they related? I mean, they do kinda look alike.

You were working the graveyard shift again, much to your delight. It was right after Christmas and the place was dead, people were probably at home spending time with their families. Something you wish you could be doing, but nope.

You sighed out loud and looked at the empty store before you, knowing that you were going to be stuck here for another six hours. Suddenly you heard the little bell on top of the entrance jingle and you turned to see a customer come in.

It was him, the taller brunet.

You felt your heart skip a beat and you inhaled sharply. "Hello," you spoke up, waving at him. "I'll be here if you have any questions." Usually you didn't say that to customers but he made eye contact and he was the only one here.

He smiled and returned the wave before disappearing into an aisle. I shouldn't be this worked up about him, yeah he's cute but it's not like anything is going to happen between us. I don't even know his name.

Some time passed before he finally emerged from the back of the store. He placed a six pack case of beer on the counter along with some other snacks and...more sharpies? What the hell?

You started scanning the items with him standing there. Neither of you were talking, which wasn't out of the ordinary for you and some customers but it wasn't everyday that a customer gave you butterflies either. I should say something, you thought.

"I didn't take you for much of a drinker," you said as you scanned the beer and put it in a bag.

"It's not for, I mean, I could drink it but..." his voice trailed off and you looked at him, amused by his flustered response. "It's for my brother," he finally said, putting his hand behind his head and looking away.

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