Chapter 12

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The next morning Shuhua and Soojin slept in until noon.

It was Sunday so they hadn't any appearances on shows, but they still had practice, therefore Minnie came wanting to wake Soojin up, while Miyeon woke up Shuhua.

What they didn't knew, Shuhua hadn't slept in her room last night.

"Seo Soojin get up, it's late!" Minnie shouted as she barged in the room.

She aggressively pulled the blanket away and shrieked at the sight.

Soojin laid in her bed only in her underwear with a half naked, black haired girl next to her. Both of them were covered in hickies.

"Minnie, Shuhua isn't in her room!", Miyeon shouted worriedly and stormed in the room, "Do you know where she is?"

Minnie couldn't take her eyes off the scene in front of her.

"I think I found her" she said shakily and pointed at the dark haired girl, who turned around sleepily.

It was indeed Shuhua and Miyeon shrieked as well.

"Hey why are you screaming?", Yuqi asked and entered the room, "Is anything wrong- holy shit!"

Although she had expected that the two girls would tell them about their relationship soon, but she hadn't expected to come to know it like this.

"Why are you taking so long? We need to go" Soyeons muffled voice asked and they heard her going in Shuhuas room.

"Where is Shuhua?!" she screamed and seconds later she was in Soojins room.

At first she didn't notice what was going on.

"Why are you all staring? What's wrong?" she asked and pushed past Yuqi.

"Oh my!" Soyeon exclaimed as she saw Soojin and Shuhua.

"Why are you being so loud?" Shuhua asked slowly waking up and her eyes fluttered open.

She saw four girls standing in the room being in state of shock.

"What's wrong with them?" she thought and her gaze fell on the warm body next to her.

And suddenly all her memories came back. The day in the amusement park, how things escalated and how she almost slept with Soojin.

"Hey baby, lie back down" Soojin mumbled.

She had just waken up and hadn't noticed what was going on in the room, because her back was turned towards the four girls.

As Shuhua didn't react Soojin sat up and rubbing her eyes. And then she saw her fellow members staring at her.

"Holy shit what are you doing here?!" she exclaimed and quickly covered her and Shuhuas body with the blanket again, while blushing like crazy.

"We could ask the same question" Minnie returned still shocked.

She was the only one without the slightest glimpse about the two girls. Too many questions were rushing through her mind.

"Get dressed. I think you two have to explain some things" Soyeon demanded in a sudden cold tone.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked furiously as none of them reacted.

She was angry, super angry, because they were compromising the future of the whole group.

Soojin shyly pointed at the members and they understood and left the room.

"We are so dead" Shuhua whispered staring at the door.

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