Chapter 10

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(G)I-DLE successfully finished the performance and Shuhuas doubts remained unfounded.

"See? You were great!" Soojin cheered as the girls left the stage and hugged her bone-crushingly.

"Yes I did it! We did it!" Shuhua screamed excited and wrapped her arms around Soojins neck.

She could have kissed her in front of everybody here, but she contained herself. Shuhua could wait until their were back in the dorm.

The girls went back in their waiting room and changed back in their own clothes.

"One advantage had this piece of material" Shuhua suddenly said and threw her outfit on a chair.

"And that would be?" Soojin asked folding her clothes more gently than the younger girl.

"I couldn't make a pit strain"

Once everybody had changed the group went back in the van driving back to their dorm.

"I guess you don't want to practice anymore today?" Soyeon asked once the car started. An unanimous "No!" was her answer.

"Really I'm so done. I could fall asleep right away" Miyeon said yawning.

"We still have a spot of work left, but I free you from practice today" Soyeon responded.

"We have to monitor today's performance, haven't we?"

The leader nodded.

"Ugh, I don't want to. You always nag about so many things" Minnie interjected groaning.

"Come on, I do not criticize that much" Soyeon fired back.

"That's what you think" Yuqi reinforced Minnie and crossed her arms.

"Yuqi you are 10cm too far to the left. Yuqi you have to make a stronger expression here. Yuqi your shirt got out of place" she continued imitating Soyeons voice.

"Okay, okay I got it!" the leader interrupted the younger girl.

"Can we monitor it on our own?" Miyeon asked and received several nods in agreement.

Soyeon didn't look convinced and bit her lip as she was thinking hard.

"But you maybe overlook some things"

"What we don't see others won't notice either" Minnie stated.

All the members agreed with her and Soyeon had to admit her defeat.

"Fine, but only today. The next performances we monitor together again"

Ear-piercing cheers erupted and the members escalated completely.

The leader tried to calm them down, but nothing worked.

"YA! IF YOU AREN'T QUIET NOW I'LL CHANGE MY MIND AGAIN AND WE DO IT TOGETHER! AND BE INSURED, I WON'T GO EASY ON YOU!" Soyeon shouted furiously and the van went silent immediately.

The remaining time the members stayed quiet, they really didn't want to monitor the performance with Soyeon.

When they arrived at the dorm, everybody got out of the car quickly and headed inside the dorm.

Heavy rain had started during the drive and even though the girls had to go just a few meters, they were soaked as they entered the dorm.

"At least we don't have to shower today" Minnie said cheerfully.

"Shuhua can I sleep in your room? Minnie will be stinking and I don't want to smell that" Yuqi asked immediately, ignoring the protest of her roommate.

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