Chapter 2

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The next day after dance practice

"Why did I do that? I could've wished for anything, but out of all things I wanted this. That's going to be super embarrassing. I can't do a single move correctly. She'll think I am untalented as fuck. But doesn't everybody thinks that?" Shuhua panicked as the other members left the practice room after the group practice.

"Have fun" Yuqi said to her and winked. Shuhua blushed and turned around.

"Just leave already"

Yuqi shrugged and left smirking.

She doesn't knew exactly what was going on between these two, but she was sure there was something.

She was Shuhuas best friend, since their trainee days, she could see it in her eyes.

As soon as the younger girl was around Soojin her expression changed and her eyes began to sparkle like a thousand stars.

Normally she was a hyper girl and laughed all the time, but around Soojin she calmed down and blushed once the older one gave her attention and spoke with her.

Yuqi found that strange and tried everything to get to know the reason of this behaviour, but Shuhua didn't want to tell her and just changed the topic as soon as she asked.

The door shut behind Yuqi and Soojin and Shuhua were now all alone.

The situation was quite awkward, because none of them knew what to say at first.

Shuhua was still nervous and dried her sweaty hands on her pants.

"I guess you're exhausted. Do you want to have a break first?" Soojin finally broke the silence.

"No, I'm fine. Today Soyeon was quite nice, I bet she feels super guilty. It wasn't that tiring" Shuhua said and beamed.

Soojin just smiled, she still found it weird, that Shuhua wished for her helping her with the choreography.

She could have had anything.

And Soojin would've provided advice anyway, if Shuhua had asked.

But on the other hand, she really liked the idea of spending extra time with her, because her problems with the dance couldn't be fixed on one evening.

"Hey Soojin is everything okay?" Shuhua interrupted her thoughts.

"Sorry, I spaced out"

"Are you sure, that everything is fine? Maybe you need a break"

"She cares about me. That's so cute"

"No I'm fine. So do you want to begin?" Soojin asked still smiling.

Shuhua nodded.

"But I'm not very good" she added crestfallen and looked away.

"Hey, don't think of yourself like this. You are wonderful, talented and beautiful and I-" Soojin blushed, as she almost confessed her feelings towards Shuhua.

"Do you really think so?" she asked and didn't seemed to notice Soojins mistake.

The older girl nodded and Shuhua smiled from ear to ear again.

"So, which is the part you need help for?" Soojin asked to change the topic.

"Actually... I can't do anything right, so I guess I need help with the whole choreography" Shuhua said and her mood shifted again.

Soojin was shocked. Not because Shuhua needed so much advice, or because she had to teach her practically the whole dance again.

She was shocked of how poor Shuhua thought of herself.

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