Where are you father?  I need you so much right now.  I need to see the TARDIS again.  I need to hug him again.  I need his soothing, scottish voice telling me things are going to be all right.  I can’t cope without him.  

UPDATE: Two hours went by and Uncle Victor phoned Luke up to find out anything new.  A policeman answered the phone, rather ironic, considering father travels in an old style police box.  Mother still has not returned.  I am really worried now.  My mother would not really kill herself... would she?

Nancy shut the diary for a bit to consider what she read.  Trying to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat.  Maybe this was not a good idea... Then she flicked to a few days ago:

January 2nd

Still no sign of my mother apparently.  Why?  What has happened?  Where is she?  My mother would never have gone off without leaving word to Luke.  Lately her and Tegan have become as close as sisters so whatever was on her mind surely she would have told Aunty.  Tegan understands as she travelled with Father in his Fifth form.  Weird bloke, he wore CELERY for crying out loud! why?  Apparently my sort of sister, Nyssa, travelled with Five.

Last time we were in significant danger father showed up saying The TARDIS had flashed mum’s old nickname, Ace, must have been an eighties thing.  The only other Ace I know was Ace Rimmer, the alter ego of goalpost head! And that was around the same time.

Where is my father?  

I was not fully convinced of the death of The Master I must admit.  As mother said, he is The Master, the sort that cannot die.  Somehow he would have slimed a bit more life out.  So, question is, if he is still alive how come even HE hasn’t showed up?  

I need to speak to at least one of them.  Yes, I hate to admit it, but I do actually need to confide in an Gallifreyan.  Whether he wears a multi coloured coat or in black velvet.  I miss them... THERE I said it, I do care about The Master.  How can I not?  He sacrificed himself for mother and father.  That is weird in itself, but if it wasn’t for him I would not be here.  

Then again if it wasn’t for him I would not be some double hearted werecat freak show that cannot ever be married or even live with my mother...  But then the Master’s plan was for us all to live together - Maybe he would have taught us both how to control it, as he can.  I do not know what to call The Master... Uncle? Should stop soon, as I am confused.


Here Nancy broke down in a torrent of tears hugging her diary close to her bosom rocking on the mattress.  Tears dropped down her cheeks.  “Luke, please,” she sobbed, “please forget about me... I just wish I could forget about...”

Turlough had walked past and heard the sobbing.  Silently he crept in and sat next to Nancy and wrapped an arm around her.  Instinctively, Nancy leaned into his comforting embrace.  

“I do love them!” she managed to say clutching hold onto his shirt, “that is why I am here!”

“I know!” Turlough murmured before kissing the top her head.

Deep down, Victor knew why Nancy was behaving the way she was.  Understand it to some extent, but he had come to gain some of those human emotions that he used to sneer at so contemptuously, and they were screaming for these three sad souls.  

He just wished they had found Dorothy by now.  If they had he knew that they would all hop on the first flight they could to get to London.

“Uncle Victor,” Nancy sniffed, “can you try and convince Luke that it would not work between us?”

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