phase one : heartbreaks

Start from the beginning

That was all it took Natasha to realize how crazily in love she was with him. They were so young back then, but the feelings did not fade away just like that. She fell harder with every passing day.
But she kept quiet, aware of the fact that her two best friends already had some sort of feelings for each other and she'd be nothing but a homewrecker if she expressed her feelings.

"I was going to call him anyway," Natasha mumbled to herself with a goofy grin and dialled his number.

"Hey, nats." She beamed at his excited voice whilst walking into the canteen and sat in her usual place.

"Farhan. Guess where I am?" She asked excitedly, opening her lunch box and inhaled the sweet smell of her chicken korma.

"At the canteen, of course. Yaar, I'm going to miss you all once I leave the country." Farhan whined from the other end, making her sigh in sadness as well.

Natasha didn't really want to think about it. Thinking about it would hurt her and she wasn't sure if her heart could take any more of it.

"Don't remind me," Natasha whispered. He chuckled at her response.

"You'll miss me that much, huh?" He asked in a teasing voice, but deep down he knew he'd be the first one to miss her the most, miss Haya the most.

Don't even ask about it, she wanted to respond but refrained herself with a small hum.

"Where is Haya? Did she finish her projects and assignments? When is madam thinking of coming here anyway?" Laughing at his other best friend, or say special friend; he asked her with an amused smile on his face.

"She's still writing her assignments which is due in like few minutes. And then after that, she'll be at your office I guess." Natasha replied dryly.

She hated how amused, happy and excited he'd be whenever they'd talk about Haya. That smile on his face and beam in his eyes for her other best friend has made her envious of Haya so many times.

"Oh. When are you joining in an internship? I can give you a job as an accountant in my company, if you're interested." He pondered.

That was the perk of being a politician's son and he got to open his own fashion designing house right after his graduation. It took quite an effort to make what it was today. But Farhan was a real hard worker.

And then see you and Haya flirt with each other there too. No thanks. She thought to herself and politely declined his offer.

Haya and Farhan pursued fashion designing while she commerce, they both were so much more similar in every damn thing while she was so much different from them and everyone, to say the least.

"You'll take care of yourself in my absence okay?" Farhan came into his caring mode once again making her heart flutter.

His care was nothing but a friendly one which has solely lead her on for years now. He was the most kind-hearted and caring man you'd ever see and anyone would fall in love with him. Natasha was no exception either.

She just wishes that he'd notice her one day like she wants him to notice her, that happens only in her dream and no one knew that better than her.

"I will." She replied with a smile.

"You should. And don't forget to lock the door when you go to sleep. I'll call you whenever I can. The time difference is huge, but we'll see about that." She basically lived alone with her widowed aunt, and hence why he was extra caring towards her, which did nothing but to make her fall harder.

Maybe if he stopped being so damn nice, she'd stop her crazy heart but it doesn't listen to her anyway.

What she'd do when he would be away was still a difficult question, she decided not to think about it for a while. He was going to Florida to fulfil his dreams and she wanted to be happy for him. She is happy but sad nevertheless.

Sad to know that he won't be available in the country for the next few months. Apparently, there was a fashion show happening in Florida, and all the new talents can come and showcase their designs over there. He has had this planned months ago. And tomorrow is the day he leaves.


Watching Farhan leave the country wasn't so easy for neither Natasha nor Haya. They tried hard not to cry as he stood in the boarding pass line. He smiled at them both, trying to act strong but from inside he was breaking too.

After an hour of I'll miss you and take care talks, he's finally leaving.
It wasn't easy for any of them to leave each other. They've been close, so close and this sudden distance was something very unexpected. They had an emotional group hug for one last time until he comes back.

Natasha probably faced the hardest time among them, as she stopped herself from not crying. She's going to miss him so much! But will he miss her as much as her question.

Suddenly, Farhan broke the line and came towards them once again. They both gasped as he pulled Haya into a bone-crushing hug. A huge blush crept Haya's cheeks as she hugged him back.

Natasha closed her eyes shut, trying hard to not cry. But seeing the guy she loves, hug some other girl is not her cup of tea. 

"I'll be back soon, okay. And then... I will ask you for something. Hopefully, you'd say yes?" his eyes were so hopeful and vulnerable as he broke the hug. Haya nodded her head as she sniffed softly whilst whispering, "I'll wait."

Natasha's heart broke into million pieces at the scene in front of her. As a good friend she should be happy for her best friends but why was she so jealous? She clenched her fists in fury. His every word felt like a rip to her soul. She controlled herself from not breaking down. This was too hard for her to watch.

Anger builds up within her as she wiped away her tears. It was her fault anyway. Why did she have to fall in love with him, when she already knew he'd never be hers. But that hurt her nevertheless.

Faking a smile, she waved at the disappearing figure of him as he joined back in the line. Haya hugged her in happiness as they both watched him leave after one last bye, but Natasha couldn't get herself to be so happy for them. She was probably the worst ever best friend, but the stupid heart wants what it wants.

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